The Creative Act: A Way of Being“I set out to write a book about what to do to make a great work of art. Instead, it revealed itself to be a book on how to be.” —Rick Rubin#Book-Magazine-Zine#Inspiration#Rick RubinThe Creative Act: A Way of Being
Seeing Beyond Sight: Photographs by Blind TeenagersAn inspiring story of teaching photography to blind photographers with examples of their inspiring work.#Inspiration#Photo ProjectSeeing Beyond Sight: Photographs by Blind Teenagers
The Passionate PhotographerTen Steps Towards Becoming Great: the Remastered Edition of the Bestselling Classic Work for All Photographers#Inspiration#WorkflowThe Passionate Photographer
Retirement RebelOne woman, one motorhome, one great big adventure#Lifestyle#Non-Fiction#InspirationRetirement Rebel