Photo EphemerisPhoto Ephemeris helps you plan outdoor photography in natural light. See how the light will fall on the land, day or night, for any location on earth.#SoftwarePhoto Ephemeris
LenstagProtect your camera equipment, images and help make the world safer for photography on iOS, Android and the web.#SoftwareLenstag
LenstagFree, easy theft protection for all your cameras, lenses and anything else with a serial number#App#Software#GearLenstag
myTracksThe best GPS tracking solution for MacOS and iOS - the most accurate way to geotag images.#Geotagging#WorkflowmyTracks
Kodachrome Presets by Gavin GoughKodachrome emulation profiles and presets for Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop#Kodachrome#Lightroom#WorkflowKodachrome Presets by Gavin Gough