Discurso en Miami por General Manuel Noriega (1992).pdf
State, Crime, the Media, & the invasion of Panama (1994).pdf
16 Years of Struggle Against Drug Traffic by Panama Defense Forces (1986).pdf
The Memoirs of Manuel Noriega by Manuel Noriega and Peter Eisner (1997).pdf
Las Memorias de Manuel Noriega por Manuel Noriega y Peter Eisner (1997).pdf
George HW Bush Biggest Drug Lord Ever by David Malmo Levine (2017)
George HW Bush El Narco Mas Grande por David Malmo Levine (2017)
White Paper on the Panama Crisis by Executive Intelligence Review (1987) pdf text
Libro blanco sobre la crisis de Panama por Resumen Ejecutivo (1987)
panama the truth about the us invasion 1990.pdf
Noriega speech in court (7/10/1992)
Discurso a la Fundacion Omar Torrijos por Manuel Antonio Noriega (17/1/1989)
Bush's Surrender to Dope inc by Executive Intelligence Review (1991) pdf scan
Ceremonia de Ascenso de Manuel Noriega (12/8/1983)
Revista El Lider #2 (2/11/1989)
Revista El Lider #1 (1/10/1989)
The Supreme Court by Michael Parenti (1995)
Emperors in the Jungle by John Lindsay Poland (2003)
America's Prisoner: The Memoirs of General Manuel Noriega by Manuel Antonio Noriega & Peter Eisner (1997) pdf scan
US Periods of War and Conflict Report by Congressional Research Service (2020)
America's Longest Held Prisoner of War by Louisiana Law Review (2011)
Operation Just Cause Through the Eyes of Manuel Noriega by Fernando Guadalupe (2008)
United States' Realist Foreign Policy by Dr. Wassim Daghrir (2016)
Noriega & Communism The Ties that Bind by Kevin Gussack (2015)
Acto de la Resistencia de las Fuerzas de Defensa de Panama (1988)
ASEFUDEP Boletin #5 (1/10/1986)
ASEFUDEP Boletin #6 (12/1986)
summary of the geneva conventions.pdf
US Policy in Panama by Joy James (1990)
The Lost Archives of Manuel Noriega by Douglas Cox (2014)