Far from being ‘intelligent’, today’s chatbots guide users through simple linear flows, and our user research shows that they have a hard time whenever users deviate from such flows.
Le 10 euristiche di Nielsen per lo UI design - Trapstudio, digital & web agency Bologna
Le 10 euristiche di Nielsen sono uno dei sistemi di valutazione più usati nel campo dello UI design: un metodo rapido e strutturato per valutare una UI.
We are fortunate to be a part of web design as it reaches maturity. With advances in technology and prominent bloggers publishing great information on design concepts such as using grids, baselines…
Atomic design is now over 6 years old (which is nuts!). I'm thrilled that all these years later the methodology continues to help teams think of their user interfaces as a hierarchical, interconnected set of components that build real product screens. I thought I'd be sick of talking about th
Why are rounded corners in InDesign not perfectly round?
At first glance, everything looks fine... Circle is 2p and square behind has rounded corners of 1p but if the stroke is removed, there is clearly some inconsistency. What is the reason for this beh...
Density Buckets for iOS, Android & Windows by Jeff Broderick
Indicates your screen's current density. It's actually quite easy to detect the pixel density with just a little CSS. By modifying the same @media query slightly we can get pretty accurate density con...
Un pixel (termine derivato dalla lingua inglese, contrazione della locuzione picture element), nella computer grafica, indica ciascuno degli elementi puntiformi che compongono la rappresentazione di...