Aspect ratio calculator for font-size-adjust

Typotheque: Size-Specific Spacing of Fonts by Peter Biľak
Type design must consider not only the shape of the letters, but also the white space around them, which is essential for the ease of reading.
Keep your wireframes free of distracting Lorem Ipsum. - christiannaths/redacted-font
Fonts | 2020 | The Web Almanac by HTTP Archive
Fonts chapter of the 2020 Web Almanac covering where fonts are loaded from, font formats, font loading performance, variable fonts and color fonts.
paFontjoy - Generate font pairings in one click
Sans Forgetica
Sans Forgetica is a typeface designed using the principles of cognitive psychology to help you to better remember your study notes.
Identify the font you are looking for! Font identify!
You can also drag image here, or copy and paste!
Font Management in macOS and OS X
This section examines each of the various Mac OS releases (Panther 10.3 through Sierra 10.12) and pr...
Open Foundry
A new platform for open-source fonts in a noise-free environment, to highlight their beauty, extend functionality and encourage further exploration.
The Ultimate Guide to Font Pairing
Good graphic design doesn’t happen by mistake, and neither does clever font marriage. Use this guide to font pairing to create your own beautiful designs.
Design With FontForge
A Book About How To Create New Typefaces Using FontForge
FontReach scans the top million sites to show font usage across the web.
WhatFont Tool - The easiest way to inspect fonts in webpages « Chengyin Liu
anatomia dei caratteri at Giò Fuga Type | blog
Project Faces - Adobe MAX 2015 - Sneak Peeks
Can't find the perfect font for your project? Then just create it! "Project Faces" is a whole new way to think about tweaking, adapting, and creating fonts t...
Fonts - Apple Developer
Acumin is a versatile sans-serif typeface family from Adobe. It comes in a wide range of weights and widths, from Thin to Ultra Black, Extra Condensed to Wide
Full Library | Typekit