Typography in Design Systems March 17, 2019 at 5:17 PM
A typographic system that optimizes for guessability.
Get Down to the Nitty-Gritty of Text Rendering in Sketch
Have you ever worked with text layers in Sketch and didn’t understand what was going on? I know I have. Out of frustration I decided to do…
Understanding Typography - Chapter 6/9 - Kerning and tracking
What happens in between each letter in a line of text? Enter kerning and tracking. Kerning is the ad...
Understanding Typography - Chapter 5/9 Formatting text
Alignment, measure, and vertical rhythm of text all contribute to a more pleasant, enjoyable read. W...
Understanding Typography - Chapter 4/9 Developing a hierarchy
The most usable designs have a distinct visual hierarchy. When a user lands on a website, opens an a...
Elementi di tipografia. L’arte della stampa al tempo del DTP. Cosa rimane della secolare tradizione della Stampa nell’era del Desktop Publishing? Ovviamente tutto è cambiato, tuttavia r…
Typography Handbook
Stop Feeling Dumb About Pairing Fonts
Mixing type – Part 1: Macro
What to watch out for when mixing type
Design With FontForge
A Book About How To Create New Typefaces Using FontForge
Shape Type, the letter shaping game