Good graphic design doesn’t happen by mistake, and neither does clever font marriage. Use this guide to font pairing to create your own beautiful designs.
Typography Inspiration for the Modern Web → Typewolf
Typewolf helps designers choose the perfect font combination for their next design project – features web fonts in the wild, font recommendations and learning resources.
Guida un po' datata, ma ancora attuale, non solo per InDesign. Utile non solo nella risoluzione di problemi di stampa, ma anche come manuale di studio generale.
«if you learn and follow these five typography rules, you will be a better typographer than 95% of professional writers and 70% of professional designers. (The rest of this book will raise you to the 99th percentile in both categories.)»
A New Responsive Font Format for the Web | CSS-Tricks
Nick Sherman gave a fascinating talk at Ampersand earlier this month which was based on an article he wrote called Variable Fonts for Responsive Design. In
Crafting Type: Font Design Workshops For Beginners
Crafting Type workshops teach font design beginners how to create their own original typefaces. No matter how little experience you may have with typography, we will put you on the path to mastery...
Can't find the perfect font for your project? Then just create it! "Project Faces" is a whole new way to think about tweaking, adapting, and creating fonts t...
Acumin is a versatile sans-serif typeface family from Adobe. It comes in a wide range of weights and widths, from Thin to Ultra Black, Extra Condensed to Wide provides the biggest and best selection of high quality desktop and web fonts. Try, buy and download classics like Helvetica, Univers, Frutiger, Trade Gothic and Avenir along with popular...
When setting a font-size in CSS, what is the real height of the letters?
There is a similar question here whose answer in essence says: The height - specifically from the top of the ascenders (e.g., 'h' or 'l' (el)) to the bottom of the descenders (e.g., 'g' or 'y')