Typography Visual Hierarchy And What It Means - Visual Hierarchy Blog
What does visual hierarchy mean in typography? Visual hierarchy matters in the case of typography more than anywhere else, because it has a critical influence on the design project in general. The reason for this is that visual hierarchy in...
The Type Snob – The Design Team
And how to turn into one
Typography Handbook
The Ultimate Guide to Font Pairing
Good graphic design doesn’t happen by mistake, and neither does clever font marriage. Use this guide to font pairing to create your own beautiful designs.
When setting a font-size in CSS, what is the real height of the letters?
There is a similar question here whose answer in essence says: The height - specifically from the top of the ascenders (e.g., 'h' or 'l' (el)) to the bottom of the descenders (e.g., 'g' or 'y')