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Type Together :: High quality fonts and custom type design
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JetBrains Mono: A free and open source typeface for developers
JetBrains Mono: A free and open source typeface for developers
Try JetBrains Mono in your IDE. Its simple forms and attention to every detail make coding a nice experience for developers’ eyes, no matter which IDE you choose.
JetBrains Mono: A free and open source typeface for developers
Font of the Month Club
Font of the Month Club
Join the Font of the Month Club and get a new font in your inbox every single month! Each font is lovingly designed and produced by David Jonathan Ross.
Font of the Month Club
Variable Fonts
Variable Fonts
​Amstelvar is an exercise in variable weight, contrast, and proportions. Positive and negative forms can be manipulated as separate axes, as well as a large array of other variables. It is an experime...
Variable Fonts
You obviously know what I’m talking about
Cast – Cooperativa Anonima Servizi Tipografici
Cast – Cooperativa Anonima Servizi Tipografici
Rialto dF Piccolo RegularRialto dF Piccolo ItalicRialto dF Piccolo BoldRialto dF Piccolo Bold ItalicRialto dF Grande RegularRialto dF Grande Italicsize-+leading-+aAAbDetailsBuyRent Bea vita che ti fa S...
Cast – Cooperativa Anonima Servizi Tipografici
Latinotype New Home
Latinotype New Home
<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=233134277051176&ev=PageView&noscript=1" />
Latinotype New Home
The Venetian origins of roman type – CAST
The Venetian origins of roman type – CAST
Why Jenson’s and Spira’s model has to be found in the ‘Paduan style’ rather than in the script of Poggio or other Florentine humanists
The Venetian origins of roman type – CAST
Free Fonts - Awwwards
Free Fonts - Awwwards
A selection of complimentary typography for your web projects.
Free Fonts - Awwwards
OpenType Myths Explained
OpenType Myths Explained
OpenType is the standard font format of these days. But even 14 years after its introduction, many users don’t really know what the term OpenType implies and how it differs from other font formats. Ti...
OpenType Myths Explained