Molecular Orbitals Applet
Come ha fatto Rutherford a capire la struttura dell'atomo, senza essere in grado di vederlo? Simula il famoso esperimento in cui ha smentito il modello a panettone dell'atomo osservando le particelle alfa rimbalzare sugli atomi e concludendo che devono avere un piccolo nucleo.
Partendo dagli atomi, guarda quante molecole puoi costruire. Colleziona le tue molecole e guardale in 3D!
Build an atom out of protons, neutrons, and electrons, and see how the element, charge, and mass change. Then play a game to test your ideas!
1-D Quantum Mechanics Applet
Come confrontare lo spettro del corpo nero del sole con la luce visibile? Scopri lo spettro del corpo nero di Sirio A, il sole, una lampadina e la terra. Regola la temperatura per vedere la lunghezza d'onda e l'intensità del cambiamento di spettro. Visualizza il colore del picco della curva spettrale.
Broadcast radio waves from KPhET. Wiggle the transmitter electron manually or have it oscillate automatically. Display the field as a curve or vectors. The strip chart shows the electron positions at the transmitter and at the receiver.
Faraday's Electromagnetic Lab
Play with a bar magnet and coils to learn about Faraday's law. Move a bar magnet near one or two coils to make a light bulb glow. View the magnetic field lines. A meter shows the direction and magnitude of the current. View the magnetic field lines or use a meter to show the direction and magnitude of the current. You can also play with electromagnets, generators and transformers!
Indaga sulla legge di Faraday e come variando il campo magnetico si produce corrente elettrica!
Ever wonder how a compass worked to point you to the Arctic? Explore the interactions between a compass and bar magnet, and then add the earth and find the surprising answer! Vary the magnet's strength, and see how things change both inside and outside. Use the field meter to measure how the magnetic field changes.
Magnets and Electromagnets
Explore the interactions between a compass and bar magnet. Discover how you can use a battery and wire to make a magnet! Can you make it a stronger magnet? Can you make the magnetic field reverse?
2-D Electrodynamics Applet (TE)
Electric Generator
Electric Motor
Investigate Faraday's law and how a changing magnetic flux can produce a flow of electricity!
Generate electricity with a bar magnet! Discover the physics behind the phenomena by exploring magnets and how you can use them to make a bulb light.
2-D Electrodynamics Applet (TM)
Analog Filter Applet
Circuit Simulator Applet
3-D Magnetostatic Fields Applet
Band Structure
Explore the origin of energy bands in crystals of atoms. The structure of these bands determines how materials conduct electricity.
Look inside a resistor to see how it works. Increase the battery voltage to make more electrons flow though the resistor. Increase the resistance to block the flow of electrons. Watch the current and resistor temperature change.
Look inside a battery to see how it works. Select the battery voltage and little stick figures move charges from one end of the battery to the other. A voltmeter tells you the resulting battery voltage.
Explore how a capacitor works! Change the size of the plates and add a dielectric to see how it affects capacitance. Change the voltage and see charges built up on the plates. Shows the electric field in the capacitor. Measure voltage and electric field.
Circuit Builder
Experiment with an electronics kit! Build circuits with batteries, resistors, ideal and non-Ohmic light bulbs, fuses, and switches. Determine if everyday objects are conductors or insulators, and take measurements with an ammeter and voltmeter. View the circuit as a schematic diagram, or switch to a lifelike view.
Ti piace "Kit Costruzione Circuiti: Corrente Alternata", ma vuoi usare solo amperometri in linea? Questa è la simulazione che fa per te! Sperimenta con un kit di elettronica. Costruisci circuiti con sorgenti di tensione in corrente alternata, batterie, resistori, condensatori, induttori, fusibili e interruttori. Effettua misurazioni con un amperometro e un voltmetro realistici e traccia un grafico della corrente e della tensione in funzione del tempo. Visualizza il circuito come un diagramma schematico o passa a una vista realistica.
Do you like Circuit Construction Kit: AC, but want to use only in-line ammeters? This is the sim for you! Experiment with an electronics kit. Build circuits with AC voltage sources, batteries, resistors, capacitors, inductors, fuses, and switches. Take measurements with a lifelike ammeter and voltmeter and graph the current and voltage as a function of time. View the circuit as a schematic diagram or switch to a lifelike view.
Experiment with an electronics kit! Build circuits with batteries, resistors, ideal and non-Ohmic light bulbs, fuses, and switches. Determine if everyday objects are conductors or insulators, and take measurements with an ammeter and voltmeter. View the circuit as a schematic diagram, or switch to a lifelike view.
Circuiti elettrici (simulazioni)
Experiment with conductivity in metals, plastics and photoconductors. See why metals conduct and plastics don't, and why some materials conduct only when you shine a flashlight on them.