Motore elettrico a corrente continuaMotore elettrico a corrente continua#motore#elettrico#corrente#applet#magnetismoMotore elettrico a corrente continua
Campo magnetico di un magnete a barraCampo magnetico di un magnete a barra#campo#magnetico#magnete#applet#magnetismoCampo magnetico di un magnete a barra
Magnetic Field around a Circular Wire - JavaLabMagnetic Field around a Circular Wire#magnete#circolare#campo#magnetismoMagnetic Field around a Circular Wire - JavaLab
Separation of Steel and Aluminum - JavaLabSeparation of Steel and Aluminum#separazione#magnetismoSeparation of Steel and Aluminum - JavaLab
Lorentzs Force (Electromagnetic swing) - JavaLabLorentzs Force (Electromagnetic swing)#lorentzs#forze#elettromagnetismo#altalena#magnetismoLorentzs Force (Electromagnetic swing) - JavaLab
Structure of an ammeter - JavaLabStructure of an ammeter#struttura#amperometro#magnetismoStructure of an ammeter - JavaLab
Magnetic Field around a Wire - JavaLabMagnetic Field around a Wire #wire#magnete#campo#magnetismoMagnetic Field around a Wire - JavaLab
Microphone and Speaker - JavaLabMicrophone and Speaker #microphone#altoparlante#magnetismoMicrophone and Speaker - JavaLab
Oersted's Experiment - JavaLabOersted's Experiment #oersted#esperimento#magnetismoOersted's Experiment - JavaLab
Magnetic Field around a Coil - JavaLabMagnetic Field around a Coil#coil#magnete#campo#magnetismoMagnetic Field around a Coil - JavaLab
Magnetization of Paramagnetic substance - JavaLabMagnetization of Paramagnetic substance#magnetization#sostanza#paramagnetismo#magnetismoMagnetization of Paramagnetic substance - JavaLab
Magnetic Field around a Bar Magnet - JavaLabMagnetic Field around a Bar Magnet#bar#magnete#campo#magnetismoMagnetic Field around a Bar Magnet - JavaLab
Magnetic Field of a Bar Magnet - JavaLabMagnetic Field of a Bar Magnet#bar#magnete#campo#magnetismoMagnetic Field of a Bar Magnet - JavaLab
Charge in a magnetic fieldCharge in a magnetic field#fisica#magnete#carica#campo#magnetismoCharge in a magnetic field