Molecular Orbitals Applet
Hydrogen Atom Applet
L'atomo di idrogeno (Modello di Bohr)
atomo di idrogeno (Modello di Bohr)
Scattering Rutherford
Scattering Rutherford
Geogebra atomo idrogeno
Geogebra atomo idrogeno
Structure of an Atom - JavaLab
Structure of an Atom
Rutherford Scattering and Size of Nucleus - JavaLab
Rutherford Scattering and Size of Nucleus
Matter Wave and de Broglie's Atomic Model - JavaLab
Matter Wave and de Broglie's Atomic Model
g32 --> Nucleo e radioattività 2
Nucleo e radioattività 2
Flame Test - JavaLab
ame Test
Electron Configuration of an Atom - JavaLab
Electron Configuration of an Atom
Rutherford Scattering - JavaLab
Rutherford Scattering
Bohr's Atomic Model - JavaLab
Bohr's Atomic Model
Scale of Atom - JavaLab
Scale of Atom
1-D Quantum Mechanics Applet
Double-Slit Experiment - JavaLab
Double-Slit Experiment
Effetto fotoelettrico
Effetto fotoelettrico
Absorption and Emission of Light - JavaLab
Absorption and Emission of Light
Quantum of Light - JavaLab
Quantum of Light
Why we can't see atoms under an optical microscope? - JavaLab
Why we can't see atoms under an optical microscope?
Blackbody radiation
Blackbody radiation
Emission Spectra
Emission Spectra
Dilatazione del tempo
Dilatazione del tempo
Radio Wave Communication - JavaLab
Radio Wave Communication