Where did the droplet's energy go? (The second law of thermodynamics and irreversible phenomena) - JavaLab

Conservation of Mechanical Energy - JavaLab
Potential energy due to gravity - JavaLab
Integral in physics - JavaLab
Work and kinetic energy
Landing a rocket
Energy Conservation
A ballistic pendulum
Orbits and energy
Block and pulley, showing energy
Atwood's machine
Atwood's machine, showing energy
Chemistry & Physics | Physics 702: Torque and Rotational Equilibrium | Season 2 | Episode 702 | PBS
Equilibrio rotazionale
Chemistry & Physics | Physics 604: Machines and Mechanical Energy | Season 2 | Episode 604 | PBS
Energia meccanica
Chemistry & Physics | Physics 605: Mechanical Energy | Season 2 | Episode 605 | PBS
Energia meccanica
Chemistry & Physics | Physics 701: Rotational Inertia and Torque | Season 2 | Episode 701 | PBS
Energia rotazionale
Chemistry & Physics | Physics 603: Work | Season 2 | Episode 603 | PBS
Il lavoro
Moto di un proiettile
Moto di un proiettile
Modello di un inverted coaster (Forza centripeta)
Pendolo elastico
Pendolo elastico
Pendoli accoppiati
Pendoli accoppiati
Simulazioni meccanica
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A ball on a spring
A ball on a spring
Parabolic motion (Monkey and Hunter) - JavaLab
Parabolic motion
Force to move the pendulum - JavaLab
Force to move the pendulum
Connection of springs - JavaLab
Connection of springs
Force on Inclined Plane - JavaLab
Force on Inclined Plane