Thermodynamic cycle
Adiabatic mechanism
Heat engine
Air conditioner
Trasformazioni di un gas ideale
Trasformazioni di un gas ideale
Making Molecular Models (Whiteboard) - JavaLab
Making Molecular Models (Whiteboard) - JavaLab
Root-Mean-Square Velocity of Gas Molecules (Vrms) - JavaLab
Root-Mean-Square Velocity of Gas Molecules (Vrms) - JavaLab
Charle's Law - JavaLab
Charle's Law - JavaLab
Graph of Charle's Law - JavaLab
Graph of Charle's Law - JavaLab
Avogadro's Law - JavaLab
Avogadro's Law - JavaLab
Pressure Volume Diagram - JavaLab
Pressure Volume Diagram - JavaLab
Temperature and Reaction Rate - JavaLab
Temperature and Reaction Rate - JavaLab
Boyle's Law - JavaLab
Boyle's Law - JavaLab
Movement of Gas Molecules and their Volume in Various Condition - JavaLab
Movement of Gas Molecules and their Volume in Various Condition - JavaLab
Brownian motion - JavaLab
Brownian motion - JavaLab
An Ideal Gas
An Ideal Gas
An Ideal Gas
An Ideal Gas
Newton's law of cooling
Newton's law of cooling
P-V diagram
P-V diagram
Special processes
Special processes
Bauer & Westfall
Bauer & Westfall
Il portale di RAI dedicato alla scuola
Il portale di RAI dedicato alla scuola
Where did the pendulum's energy go? (The second law of thermodynamics and irreversible phenomena) - JavaLab
Where did the pendulum's energy go? (The second law of thermodynamics and irreversible phenomena) - JavaLab
Bimetal - JavaLab
Bimetal - JavaLab
Status Change of Water - JavaLab
Status Change of Water - JavaLab
Bernoulli geogebra
Bernoulli geogebra