Hebrew Gospels from Catalonia, Sepharad (Spain) | www.HebrewGospels.com
Hebrew Gospels from Catalonia, Sepharad (Spain) | www.HebrewGospels.com
The Hebrew Gospels from Sepharad (Spain) also known as the Hebrew Gospels from Catalonia are the most interesting and amazing versions of the Gospels that we know of. The Sephardic Hebrew Gospels are known to us from four Hebrew manuscripts: Vat. Ebr. 100 contains all four gospels in the Sephardic version, while Breslau 233, St. Petersburg A 207, and NLI 8°751 contain Mark, Luke and John in the Sephardic version, accompanied by a Shem Tov Matthew. | www.HebrewGospels.com
Hebrew Gospels from Catalonia, Sepharad (Spain) | www.HebrewGospels.com
Endocalyx Pro Studies: Fucoidan - YouTube
Endocalyx Pro Studies: Fucoidan - YouTube
Endocalyx Pro Studies: Fucoidan is the seventeeth module of the GlycoCheck Training for healthcare professionals. After watching this video, test your knowle...
Endocalyx Pro Studies: Fucoidan - YouTube
Microvascular Health Solutions - YouTube
Microvascular Health Solutions - YouTube
15 early warning signs all point to a single hidden problem. Your microvascular system may be breaking down, and your organs could be slowly starving and you don’t even know it. These early warning signs may be caused by a problem hidden in the smallest blood vessels in your body—your microscopic capillaries. Learn more at https://microvascular.com/.
Microvascular Health Solutions - YouTube
Hyaluronic Acid: Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Trajectory - PMC
Hyaluronic Acid: Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Trajectory - PMC
Hyaluronic acid (also known as hyaluronan or hyaluronate) is naturally found in many tissues and fluids, but more abundantly in articular cartilage and synovial fluid (SF). Hyaluronic acid (HA) content varies widely in different joints and species. HA ...
Hyaluronic Acid: Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Trajectory - PMC
The Inverted Angel | Jonathan Cahn Sermon - YouTube
The Inverted Angel | Jonathan Cahn Sermon - YouTube
Jonathan Cahn opens up one of the deepest and most relevant mysteries that everyone deals with - Satan as the Inverted Angel. Satan attempts to annihilate ma...
The Inverted Angel | Jonathan Cahn Sermon - YouTube
Nitazoxanide: A first-in-class broad-spectrum antiviral agent - PMC
Nitazoxanide: A first-in-class broad-spectrum antiviral agent - PMC
Originally developed and commercialized as an antiprotozoal agent, nitazoxanide was later identified as a first-in-class broad-spectrum antiviral drug and has been repurposed for the treatment of influenza. A Phase 2b/3 clinical trial recently published ...
Nitazoxanide: A first-in-class broad-spectrum antiviral agent - PMC
The health effects of microplastics on the human body are taking center stage as water bottle use, billions of masks and PPE from the COVID response have flooded our environment with unprecedented contamination. Newly published studies show that microplastics may be contributing to blood clots and other health issues. Even more shocking- another study found […]
Prebiotic Fucoidan Potentially Improves Gut Microbiota and Metabolism in Long-Cared Elderly People with Malnutrition
Prebiotic Fucoidan Potentially Improves Gut Microbiota and Metabolism in Long-Cared Elderly People with Malnutrition
The gut-microbiota-targeted prebiotic intervention has been a hot topic in the study of health modulation. To examine the effect of fucoidan supplementation on the health of long-cared elderly subjects (88years ± 3.41) with malnutrition (MNA-SF score ≤ 7), an eight-week randomized, single-blind clinical trial was carried out in a community hospital. The subjects were divided into a test group (TG, n = 45), which received the fucoidan supplementation (1g/d) and a control group (CG, n = 20). Preliminary data on metagenomes, plasma metabolomes, prealbumin, twelve cytokines, and clinical records from six people were analyzed. The results showed that with prebiotic intervention, prealbumin, a sensitive nutrition marker slightly increased. Furthermore, in the test group, there were 42 significantly enriched gut microbial species (t-test, p < 0.05), including multiple beneficial bacteria (Bifidobacterium breve, Roseburia hominis, and Lactobacillus acidipiscis), which positively correlated with Medium-Chain Fatty Acid (MCFA)-associated carnitines (octanoylcarnitine and decanoylcarnitine), and chenodeoxycholic acid. The defecation and neuropsychological activities of the participants in the test group also improved slightly. The preliminary data suggests that fucoidan has the potential to improve metabolism, gut function, and nutrition in elderly people by changing the gut microbiota and enriching beneficial bacteria. A larger sample size analysis is needed for a deeper understanding of the effects and mechanism.
Prebiotic Fucoidan Potentially Improves Gut Microbiota and Metabolism in Long-Cared Elderly People with Malnutrition