BEMER Patent US8216121 - Device for generating a pulsed electromagnetic field with pulse control - Google Patents
BEMER Patent US8216121 - Device for generating a pulsed electromagnetic field with pulse control - Google Patents
The invention relates to a device for generating a pulsed electromagnetic field with pulse control, wherein the pulses provided by the pulse generator represent periodic pulses having ascending and descending envelope curves with harmonic or anharmonic oscillation profile within the envelope curves, the pulse sequence is in the range of from 1 pulse/20 minutes to 10 pulses/minute, with pulse sequence, pulse function type and electromagnetic flux density being controlled via values which, obtained using non-invasive measuring methods on a target tissue, represent features of the blood microcirculation, with exponential functions as pulse function type being excluded. Greater and longer-lasting improvements of the microcirculation are achieved.
BEMER Patent US8216121 - Device for generating a pulsed electromagnetic field with pulse control - Google Patents
Finely tuned electrical fields give wound healing a jolt When exposed (...)
Finely tuned electrical fields give wound healing a jolt When exposed (...)
A new research report opens up the possibility that small electrical currents might activate certain immune cells to jumpstart or speed wound healing. This discovery may be of particular interest to those with illnesses that may cause wounds to heal slowly or not at all.
Finely tuned electrical fields give wound healing a jolt When exposed (...)
Modeling Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) application in single cells (...)
Modeling Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) application in single cells (...)
Effects of electric fields on biological cells have been extensively studied but primarily in the low and high frequency regimes. Low frequency AC fields have been investigated for applications to nerve and muscle stimulation or to examine possible environmental effects of 60 Hz excitation. High fre …
Modeling Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) application in single cells (...)
Importance of electrode position for the distribution of tumor treating fields (TTFields) in a human brain. Identification of effective layouts thr... - PubMed - NCBI
Importance of electrode position for the distribution of tumor treating fields (TTFields) in a human brain. Identification of effective layouts thr... - PubMed - NCBI
Tumor treating fields (TTFields) is a new modality used for the treatment of glioblastoma. It is based on antineoplastic low-intensity electric fields induced by two pairs of electrode arrays placed on the patient's scalp. The layout of the arrays greatly impacts the intensity (dose) of TTFields in …
Importance of electrode position for the distribution of tumor treating fields (TTFields) in a human brain. Identification of effective layouts thr... - PubMed - NCBI
An Overview of Sub-Cellular Mechanisms Involved in the Action of TTFields. - PubMed - NCBI
An Overview of Sub-Cellular Mechanisms Involved in the Action of TTFields. - PubMed - NCBI
Long-standing research on electric and electromagnetic field interactions with biological cells and their subcellular structures has mainly focused on the low- and high-frequency regimes. Biological effects at intermediate frequencies between 100 and 300 kHz have been recently discovered and applied …
An Overview of Sub-Cellular Mechanisms Involved in the Action of TTFields. - PubMed - NCBI
BEMER Patent US8808159 - Apparatus for stimulating local and higher homeostatic autoregulatory ... - Google Patents
BEMER Patent US8808159 - Apparatus for stimulating local and higher homeostatic autoregulatory ... - Google Patents
The invention relates to an apparatus for stimulating local and higher homeostatic autoregulatory mechanisms during the sleep phase and the rest of relaxation phase of the organism by means of a pulsed electromagnetic field. Said apparatus comprises a pulse generator, a control device, and a filed generating device. The pulse generator is designed in such a way as to generate a pulsed electromagnetic field along with the control device and the filed generating device by applying 5 special series of pulses in which the frequency is the same for all signals, ranging from 8 to 15 Hz, the series of pulses are repeated multiple times, and the control time amounts to at least 3.5 h within a period of 7 to 9 hours.
BEMER Patent US8808159 - Apparatus for stimulating local and higher homeostatic autoregulatory ... - Google Patents
Modelling Tumor Treating Fields for the treatment of lung-based tumors (...)
Modelling Tumor Treating Fields for the treatment of lung-based tumors (...)
Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields), low-intensity electric fields in the frequency range of 100-500 kHz, exhibit antimitotic activity in cancer cells. TTFields were approved by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of recurrent glioblastoma in 2011. Preclinical evidence and pilot st …
Modelling Tumor Treating Fields for the treatment of lung-based tumors (...)
Selective toxicity of tumor treating fields to melanoma an in vitro and in vivo study. - PubMed - NCBI
Selective toxicity of tumor treating fields to melanoma an in vitro and in vivo study. - PubMed - NCBI
Tumor treating fields (TTFs) are a newly developed cancer therapy technology using an alternating electric field that may be a possible candidate for overcoming the limitations of conventional treatment methods currently used in cancer treatment. Although clinical results using TTFs appear promising …
Selective toxicity of tumor treating fields to melanoma an in vitro and in vivo study. - PubMed - NCBI
Electrical Stimulation of Visual Cortex Can Immediately Improve Spatia (...)
Electrical Stimulation of Visual Cortex Can Immediately Improve Spatia (...)
Reinhart et al. show that 20 min of direct-current stimulation can change visual acuity. Subjects’ event-related potentials showed the same pattern of amplitude changes observed with behavior. Finally, subjects with the worst visual acuity showed the largest improvements following anodal stimulation of visual cortex.
Electrical Stimulation of Visual Cortex Can Immediately Improve Spatia (...)
Estimated lifetime survival benefit of tumor treating fields and temozolomide for newly diagnosed glioblastoma patients. - PubMed - NCBI
Estimated lifetime survival benefit of tumor treating fields and temozolomide for newly diagnosed glioblastoma patients. - PubMed - NCBI
Patients treated with TTFields and TMZ had an incremental mean lifetime survival of 1.8 years (TTFields/TMZ: 4.2 vs TMZ alone: 2.4). Patients alive at year 2 after starting TTFields had a 20.7% probability of surviving to year 10. The results presented here provide the required incremental survival …
Estimated lifetime survival benefit of tumor treating fields and temozolomide for newly diagnosed glioblastoma patients. - PubMed - NCBI
An Overview of Sub-Cellular Mechanisms Involved in the Action of TTFie (...)
An Overview of Sub-Cellular Mechanisms Involved in the Action of TTFie (...)
Long-standing research on electric and electromagnetic field interactions with biological cells and their subcellular structures has mainly focused on the low- and high-frequency regimes. Biological effects at intermediate frequencies between 100 and 300 kHz have been recently discovered and applied …
An Overview of Sub-Cellular Mechanisms Involved in the Action of TTFie (...)
BEMER Patent US8216121 - Device for generating a pulsed electromagneti (...)
BEMER Patent US8216121 - Device for generating a pulsed electromagneti (...)
The invention relates to a device for generating a pulsed electromagnetic field with pulse control, wherein the pulses provided by the pulse generator represent periodic pulses having ascending and descending envelope curves with harmonic or anharmonic oscillation profile within the envelope curves, the pulse sequence is in the range of from 1 pulse/20 minutes to 10 pulses/minute, with pulse sequence, pulse function type and electromagnetic flux density being controlled via values which, obtained using non-invasive measuring methods on a target tissue, represent features of the blood microcirculation, with exponential functions as pulse function type being excluded. Greater and longer-lasting improvements of the microcirculation are achieved.
BEMER Patent US8216121 - Device for generating a pulsed electromagneti (...)
Magda Havas talks at NIEHS May 9, 2016 on Electrosmog and Electrohyper (...)
Magda Havas talks at NIEHS May 9, 2016 on Electrosmog and Electrohyper (...)
This is the presentation I gave to scientists at NIEHS in Triangle Park, North Carolina, May 9, 2016. Title of the talk is, "Electrosmog, the missing link as it relates to cancer, reproductive problems and electrohypersensitivity."
Magda Havas talks at NIEHS May 9, 2016 on Electrosmog and Electrohyper (...)
A little spark for sharper sight -- ScienceDaily
A little spark for sharper sight -- ScienceDaily
Stimulating the brain with a mild electrical current can temporarily sharpen vision without glasses or contacts, researchers have found.
A little spark for sharper sight -- ScienceDaily
Modeling Tumor Treating fields (TTFields) application within a realist (...)
Modeling Tumor Treating fields (TTFields) application within a realist (...)
Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) are an antimitotic treatment against brain and other tumors. They are applied regionally and non-invasively by inducing intermediate frequency (100-300 kHz) alternating electric field of intensities between 1 to 3 V/cm through transducer arrays placed on the patient' …
Modeling Tumor Treating fields (TTFields) application within a realist (...)
BEMER Patent US8808159 - Apparatus for stimulating local and higher ho (...)
BEMER Patent US8808159 - Apparatus for stimulating local and higher ho (...)
The invention relates to an apparatus for stimulating local and higher homeostatic autoregulatory mechanisms during the sleep phase and the rest of relaxation phase of the organism by means of a pulsed electromagnetic field. Said apparatus comprises a pulse generator, a control device, and a filed generating device. The pulse generator is designed in such a way as to generate a pulsed electromagnetic field along with the control device and the filed generating device by applying 5 special series of pulses in which the frequency is the same for all signals, ranging from 8 to 15 Hz, the series of pulses are repeated multiple times, and the control time amounts to at least 3.5 h within a period of 7 to 9 hours.
BEMER Patent US8808159 - Apparatus for stimulating local and higher ho (...)
Possible Mechanisms Underlying the Therapeutic Effects of Transcranial (...)
Possible Mechanisms Underlying the Therapeutic Effects of Transcranial (...)
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is an effective method used to diagnose and treat many neurological disorders. Although repetitive TMS (rTMS) has been used to treat a variety of serious pathological conditions including stroke, depression, Parkinson’s ...
Possible Mechanisms Underlying the Therapeutic Effects of Transcranial (...)
BEMER Electromagnetic Field Therapy Reduces Cancer Cell Radioresistanc (...)
BEMER Electromagnetic Field Therapy Reduces Cancer Cell Radioresistanc (...)
Each year more than 450,000 Germans are expected to be diagnosed with cancer subsequently receiving standard multimodal therapies including surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. On top, molecular-targeted agents are increasingly administered. Owing to intrinsic and acquired resistance to these the …
BEMER Electromagnetic Field Therapy Reduces Cancer Cell Radioresistanc (...)
Tumor treating fields a novel and effective therapy for glioblastoma m (...)
Tumor treating fields a novel and effective therapy for glioblastoma m (...)
The advantages of TTF in GBM treatment, including non-invasive antitumor effect, superior therapeutic benefit in combination with chemotherapy, and minimal systematic toxicity, have been demonstrated in pre-clinical data and randomized phased III clinical trials. Future investigations will be needed …
Tumor treating fields a novel and effective therapy for glioblastoma m (...)
An Overview of Alternating Electric Fields Therapy (NovoTTF Therapy) f (...)
An Overview of Alternating Electric Fields Therapy (NovoTTF Therapy) f (...)
As with many cancer treatments, tumor treating fields (TTFields) target rapidly dividing tumor cells. During mitosis, TTFields-exposed cells exhibit uncontrolled membrane blebbing at the onset of anaphase, resulting in aberrant mitotic exit. Based on these criteria, at least two protein complexes have been proposed as TTFields’ molecular targets, including α/β-tubulin and the septin 2, 6, 7 heterotrimer. After aberrant mitotic exit, cells exhibited abnormal nuclei and signs of cellular stress, including decreased cellular proliferation and p53 dependence, and exhibit the hallmarks of immunogenic cell death, suggesting that TTFields treatment may induce an antitumor immune response. Clinical trials lead to Food and Drug Administration approval for their treatment of recurrent glioblastoma. Detailed modeling of TTFields within the brain suggests that the location of the tumor may affect treatment efficacy. These observations have a profound impact on the use of TTFields in the clinic, including what co-therapies may be best applied to boost its efficacy.
An Overview of Alternating Electric Fields Therapy (NovoTTF Therapy) f (...)
BEMER Electromagnetic Field Therapy Reduces Cancer Cell Radioresistance by Enhanced ROS Formation and Induced DNA Damage. - PubMed - NCBI
BEMER Electromagnetic Field Therapy Reduces Cancer Cell Radioresistance by Enhanced ROS Formation and Induced DNA Damage. - PubMed - NCBI
Each year more than 450,000 Germans are expected to be diagnosed with cancer subsequently receiving standard multimodal therapies including surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. On top, molecular-targeted agents are increasingly administered. Owing to intrinsic and acquired resistance to these the …
BEMER Electromagnetic Field Therapy Reduces Cancer Cell Radioresistance by Enhanced ROS Formation and Induced DNA Damage. - PubMed - NCBI
Case Report A Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patient Treated with GcMAF, S (...)
Case Report A Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patient Treated with GcMAF, S (...)
This case report suggests a new concept of cancer treatment using local destruction of cancer tissue, in this case conducted with SDT and TTF therapy, to be used in combination with serum GcMAF and colostrum MAF immunotherapy as a systemic treatment.
Case Report A Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patient Treated with GcMAF, S (...)
Tumor treating fields inhibit glioblastoma cell migration, invasion an (...)
Tumor treating fields inhibit glioblastoma cell migration, invasion an (...)
Treatment with alternating electric fields at an intermediate frequency (100-300 kHz), referred to as tumor treating fields (TTF) therapy, inhibits cancer cell proliferation. In the present study, we demonstrated that TTF application suppressed the metastatic potential of U87 and U373 glioblastoma c …
Tumor treating fields inhibit glioblastoma cell migration, invasion an (...)