Please share this article with all your friends and family! What do you really know about Bill Gates? Let's see ... he co-founded Microsoft and has billions of dollars. According to Wikipedia, Gates is “an American business magnate, software developer, investor, and philanthropist.” You might have heard that in early 2020, Gates resigned from the board of Microsoft to focus full time on “philanthropy” and also “global health and vaccines.” Sounds like a great guy! But exactly what qualifications does the founder of a trillion-dollar software behemoth have to be a leader in “global health and vaccines”? NONE. Nevertheless,
Chronic Corruption Part III President Stands Against CDC
There is currently a battle being waged for our nation’s safety, prosperity, and independence. This battle is between good and evil… and we need to work together if we’re going to win.
Coronavirus Tracking Bracelets Flooding Market, Ready To Snitch on People Who Don't Distance - YouTube
#Coronavirus Tracking Bracelets Flooding Market, Ready To Snitch on People Who Don't Distance. Plus Italy is hiring 60,000 "Civic Volunteers" to snitch on people not following distance guidelines.
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Bill Gates' Plan to Vaccinate the World GreenMedInfo Blog Entry
In January of 2010, Bill and Melinda Gates announced a $10 billion pledge to usher in a decade of vaccines. But far from an unalloyed good, the truth is that this attempt to reorient the global health economy was part of a much bigger agenda.
Charlene Bollinger Interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits (Part 3)
Join Judy for part 3 of this blockbuster interview series with Charlene where she tells the truth about the "Plague of Corruption" that has permeated the vaccine industry. She names names and gives proof. We have featured her in our films and she has spoken about this corruption at our TTAC Live 2016 and TTAC Live 2019. She is a force to be reckoned with. Her voice has gone viral because people are awake and want to hear and know the truth. But these is another side working night and day to silence her voice of truth. Please share this video with everyone you know so that they can hear the truth from one that was on the inside and is blowing the whistle! Thank you, Judy, for being one of the most integrous, honorable women we know. We stand with you and we love you. If you missed part 1, you can find it, here. ➡️ If you missed part 2, you can find it, here. ➡️ --------------------------------------- About Charlene Bollinger --------------------------------------- Charlene Bollinger is a devoted Christian, wife, mother of 4 home-educated children, health freedom advocate, and co-founder and CEO of The Truth About Cancer and Vaccines. She is a former model and actress, fitness buff. After losing several family members to conventional cancer treatments, Charlene along with her husband, Ty, learned the truth about cancer and the cancer industry, as well as the truth about vaccines and currently work together bringing the truth to the people. Charlene speaks at many conferences and is a guest on various health-related radio shows helping people discover that cancer does NOT have to be a death sentence. Charlene & Ty host a biweekly internet news program: TTAC Global Health News. Charlene is currently doing a video interview series on The Truth About Vaccines 2020 and Censorship. She is also starting the "United Medical Freedom Super PAC" with other leaders in the medical freedom movement. This Super PAC will change the world and help restore our medical and religious freedoms. Please visit and for more!
Deceived and censored, distracted by conflicts that blind us to the real issues that attack everyone on the right, left, and center. There are certain key issues that the elite powers do not want people to understand or even see. For instance, the problem with coal is not the CO2 emissions but the heavy metal... View Article
COVID-19—Reckless ‘Gain-of-Function’ Experiments Lie at the Root of the Pandemic
Despite an ongoing cover-up by government authorities, the biotech industry, the military industrial complex and the mass media, there is growing scientific consensusthat the COVID-19 virus was
! Proof C0VlD is Product of Man-Made Manipulation - YouTube
Suddenly, media is willing to actually look at the Wuhan Lab Leak Theory, but they are asking the wrong questions. I've been reporting on this for over a year. Today, I'm re-posting my exclusive interview with Dr. David Martin about the clear paper-trail of gain of function funding stretching back to 2013.
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Nashville officials buried numbers showing very low infections in order to gaslight the public over need to keep bars and restaurants shut down (Natural News) Today we are calling for the arrest and prosecution of top government officials in Nashville, TN, who have now been caught red-handed covering up the very low numbers of infections at restaurants and bars in order to gaslight the public and justify draconian business closures and lockdowns. A bombshell investigation by Fox 17, WZTV in Nashville, has uncovered once-secret emails that reveal a shocking conspiracy to deliberately deceive the public by withholding covid-19 infections statistics
(3) Exclusive Behind the Making of Plan DEMlC 2 - YouTube
Ben Swann speaks exclusively with the director of Plan Dem 2 about the origin of the film and attacks that have come against his movie. Part 2 about the gates foundation and its ties to vaccines in India and Africa can be seen exclusively at
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(8) Has Sweden Beaten C0VlD 1 Death for the Entire Month of August, No Lockdown, No Masks - YouTube
Has Sweden Beaten C0VlD?
Only 1 Death in the Country for the Entire Month of August, and yet, No Lockdowns, No Economic Shutdowns and No Masks. We give you details that other media will only ignore.
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1 Fauci Lied To Congress About Gain-of-Function Research - YouTube
Dr. Anthony Fauci got into a heated argument with Sen. Rand Paul this week over the origins of the coronavirus. In fact, he lied to Congress saying the U.S. government never funded Gain-of Function research... Oh, but it has, and I'll show the clear proof.
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IS COVID-19 A BIO-WEAPON? The origins of #Covid19 are becoming increasingly clear, and Dr. Richard Fleming, cardiologist and researcher walks Del through a shocking paper trail surrounding the SARS-CoV2 virus and its link to Tony Fauci and US funded gain-of-function research. #FireFauci #GainOfFunction #GOF #FlemingProtocol #Covid19 #LabCreated #WuhanLab #CovidOrigins #TheHighwire #DelBigtree POSTED: May 13, 2021
RAND PAUL TO FAUCI: “YOU’RE FOOLING WITH MOTHER NATURE” Kentucky Senator and physician, Rand Paul, continues to stand out as one of the only politicians to question head of the NIH, Tony Fauci, in Senate Hearings. Watch Paul hold Fauci’s feet to the fire on his ties to gain-of-function research linked to the Wuhan lab,… Read More »RAND PAUL TO FAUCI: “YOU’RE FOOLING WITH MOTHER NATURE”
Across the globe, patients have reported being denied cancer care, kidney dialysis and urgent transplant surgeries, with sometimes fatal results. Zaria Gorvett: Tomorrow another 27 thousand cancer patients will die. Each year 10 million perish and doctors still cannot tell us why. World health officials do not seem to care. In the United States, by... View Article
5G Didn’t Cause the Coronavirus Pandemic But It Probably Made it Worse
There are many frightening aspects to the pandemic but none speaks of more trouble than the synchronic occurrence of a new virus and the rapid installation of 5G. One could even stretch the imagine and see the virus running cover for 5G. The good news is it looks like the beginning of the end for... View Article
The pandemic already fatally disrupted retail, education, office work, healthcare, tourism, hotels, airports, and service business of all colors and stripes. Though the stock market is recording record highs, in the real world, things are heading down to record lows. New York City has hit an all-time low: the once-bustling city looks like a dystopian... View Article