Religion and Politics

GOOGLE Organic is a Lie, Supplements are Dangerous, Chiropractic is
GOOGLE Organic is a Lie, Supplements are Dangerous, Chiropractic is
Recently, a shocking discovery was made: Google is autocompleting the search fields of billions of users with false information (topics ranging from natural health to candidates for election), based not on objective search volume data, but an extremely biased political and socio-economic agenda -- one that is jeopardizing the health and human rights of everyone on the planet
GOOGLE Organic is a Lie, Supplements are Dangerous, Chiropractic is
Cold Climate Change
Cold Climate Change
More info and news about cold climate change.
Cold Climate Change
BREAKING Google Just Scrubbed Natural Health Websites From Its
BREAKING Google Just Scrubbed Natural Health Websites From Its
Earlier this month, in one devastating algorithmic stroke, Google removed many of the top natural health and health freedom websites from their organic search results -- some losing as much as 99% of their traffic.
BREAKING Google Just Scrubbed Natural Health Websites From Its
GLOBALISM in Prophecy What GOD Thinks About Brexit - YouTube
GLOBALISM in Prophecy What GOD Thinks About Brexit - YouTube
Can you be a Bible believer and a globalist? Was Brexit a defeat or victory? What does God think about globalism? How does Brexit relate to the Anti-Christ & Second Coming? Support this important end time ministry: Connect Socially: DVD of full teaching on "Globalism in Prophecy: What God Thinks of Brexit" available at: Don't miss other videos on our back-up channel: Subscribe to our newsletter: Invite Pastor Steve to speak at your church or event:
GLOBALISM in Prophecy What GOD Thinks About Brexit - YouTube
Classroom | Genesis Apologetics
Classroom | Genesis Apologetics
Classroom Series Millions of students are duped into believing in evolution every year. Watch these thought provoking videos to see how easy it can be to deconstruct evolution and promote Biblical Creation. These videos are provided in tight, awkward, or tense situations, but not to encourage the same in classrooms. Students should be respectful in
Classroom | Genesis Apologetics
Jefferey Jaxen details the troubling trend of schools and hospital systems in states like California, who have established a gender transition pipeline for children to transition, often without the consent or knowledge of the parents, forcing many to sue.
Dead Sea Scrolls REVEAL the 7 Heads of the Beast and the ANTICHRIST Empire - YouTube
Dead Sea Scrolls REVEAL the 7 Heads of the Beast and the ANTICHRIST Empire - YouTube
The 7 heads of the Beast are a mystery that Christians have debated for centuries, at least recent centuries. There was no debate in John's day because they had the Dead Sea Scrolls that explained who the heads where and who the 8th head was, the Antichrist Empire. Watch this Nelson Walters video to discover who they are for yourself. TICKETS Last Days Overcomers
Dead Sea Scrolls REVEAL the 7 Heads of the Beast and the ANTICHRIST Empire - YouTube
Top Ten Evidences for Noah's Flood - Genesis Apologetics 2023 - YouTube
Top Ten Evidences for Noah's Flood - Genesis Apologetics 2023 - YouTube
President Dan Biddle of Genesis Apologetics presents on Noah's Flood at the 2023 Alpha Omega Conference. Topics covered include: Pangea, Catastrophic Plate Tectonics, Subduction, Volcanism, Tsunamis, Sloss Megasequences, Buried Dinosaurs, and the Morrison Formation. See here for our main Noah's Flood video:
Top Ten Evidences for Noah's Flood - Genesis Apologetics 2023 - YouTube
The Hope That Was (Session 1) | Speaker: Dr. David Reagan - YouTube
The Hope That Was (Session 1) | Speaker: Dr. David Reagan - YouTube
Join Dr. David Reagan as he describes the hope that was! Lamb & Lion Ministries held its 2023 Hope Springs Eternal Regional Bible Prophecy Conference at Hikes Point Christian Church in Louisville, KY on Saturday, March 11th. SALVATION What Must I Do to Be Saved? - CONNECT Website: Blog: Resources: Podcasts: App: FOLLOW US Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Pinterest: SUMMARY Join Dr. David Reagan as he describes the hope that was! For more episodes of "Christ in Prophecy" subscribe to this channel, and please visit us at #DavidRReagan #AmericaInProphecy #HopeSpringsEternalConference
The Hope That Was (Session 1) | Speaker: Dr. David Reagan - YouTube
1 Rebooting the Bible - A Detailed Discussion Doug Woodward - YouTube
1 Rebooting the Bible - A Detailed Discussion Doug Woodward - YouTube
The timeline of the Old Testament, as conventionally understood, is wrong - way wrong. This is because it is based on the Masoretic Text (MT). However, if we consider the timeline of the Septuagint (LXX), what we discover is that the Bible's authentic timeline, created from the original documents of the Old Testament in 280 BC in Alexandria, Egypt, provides a chronology that is easily aligned with the records of Egypt, Sumer, India, and China - concerning when their respective civilizations began. DOUG'S YT CHANNEL: We’re the Prophecy Watchers. We have a long history of working to bring the truth of Bible prophecy to an audience of Christian believers who may not have local access to sound prophetic teaching, based upon the inspired writings of the Apostles and the traditional doctrine concerning the rapture of the church. Though we don’t believe in setting dates, it is clear that the rapture of the church is imminent, perhaps much nearer than we think. DONATE: FIND US ON THE WEB: FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: DOWNLOAD OUR APP:
1 Rebooting the Bible - A Detailed Discussion Doug Woodward - YouTube
2 Rebooting the Bible - A Detailed Discussion Continued Doug Woodward - YouTube
2 Rebooting the Bible - A Detailed Discussion Continued Doug Woodward - YouTube
The timeline of the Old Testament, as conventionally understood, is wrong - way wrong. This is because it is based on the Masoretic Text (MT). However, if we consider the timeline of the Septuagint (LXX), what we discover is that the Bible's authentic timeline, created from the original documents of the Old Testament in 280 BC in Alexandria, Egypt, provides a chronology that is easily aligned with the records of Egypt, Sumer, India, and China - concerning when their respective civilizations began. DOUG'S YT CHANNEL: We’re the Prophecy Watchers. We have a long history of working to bring the truth of Bible prophecy to an audience of Christian believers who may not have local access to sound prophetic teaching, based upon the inspired writings of the Apostles and the traditional doctrine concerning the rapture of the church. Though we don’t believe in setting dates, it is clear that the rapture of the church is imminent, perhaps much nearer than we think. DONATE: FIND US ON THE WEB: FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: DOWNLOAD OUR APP:
2 Rebooting the Bible - A Detailed Discussion Continued Doug Woodward - YouTube
Last Days Overcomer
Last Days Overcomer
Last Days Overcomers is dedicated to preparing and empowering believers for the time leading up to the Day that Jesus comes back. We provide resources and conferences to help believers understand God’s purposes for the Last Days.
Last Days Overcomer
The Hal Lindsey Report 6-14--2019
The Hal Lindsey Report 6-14--2019
A news site dedicated to news analysis of current events from the perspective of Bible prophecy with Hal Lindsey
The Hal Lindsey Report 6-14--2019
2 The Hal Lindsey Report Hal Lindsey
2 The Hal Lindsey Report Hal Lindsey
A news site dedicated to news analysis of current events from the perspective of Bible prophecy with Hal Lindsey
2 The Hal Lindsey Report Hal Lindsey
Free eBook - Last Days Overcomer
Free eBook - Last Days Overcomer
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Free eBook - Last Days Overcomer
Let's Talk About Sex - YouTube
Let's Talk About Sex - YouTube
How has sex been weaponized to destroy a society? Find out with guest Tommy Nelson along with Tim Moore and Nathan Jones of the Lamb & Lion Ministries evangelism team as they provide their Prophetic Perspectives (272). PASTOR TOMMY NELSON Denton Bible Church - SALVATION What Must I Do to Be Saved? - CONNECT Website: Blog: Resources: Podcasts: App: FOLLOW US Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Pinterest: SUMMARY How has sex been weaponized to destroy a society? For more Prophetic Perspectives, subscribe to this channel, and please visit us at #PastorTommyNelson #ColTimMoore #NathanEJones
Let's Talk About Sex - YouTube
Who watches the watchdogs - YouTube
Who watches the watchdogs - YouTube
Think you might be gluten sensitive? Take the quiz: The FDA is supposed to be your watchdog - they're supposed to make sure that drugs are not passed that might be dangerous to you. They're supposed to make sure that the pharmaceutical companies that are creating those drugs do their diligence in their science and their research and that they don't release any drug that has the potential to hurt people in any way. So the job of the FDA is to protect you from the pharmaceutical companies. Looks like someone hasn't been doing their job. To connect with Dr. Osborne visit: On the web: Facebook: Pinterest: Instagram: Twitter: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is strictly intended for educational purposes only. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Peter Osborne is one of the most sought after alternative and nutritional experts in the world. A Diplomate with the American Clinical Board of Nutrition, a graduate of Texas Chiropractic College, and a doctor of pastoral science, Dr. Osborne is one of the world’s leading authorities on gluten, nutrition, and natural health. He is the founder, one of the world's largest informational sites on gluten sensitivity. In addition, he is the author of the best selling book, No Grain No Pain, published by Touchstone (Simon & Schuster). His work has been featured by PBS, Netflix, Amazon, Fox, and many other nationally recognized outlets. For more information, visit us at or call 281-903-7527
Who watches the watchdogs - YouTube
Oil Shortage HOAX and why GLOBALISTS Love Electric Cars And Inflation - Not What You Think
Oil Shortage HOAX and why GLOBALISTS Love Electric Cars And Inflation - Not What You Think
Proof the oil shortage is a hoax - and why globalists LOVE electric cars - its not about the environment. Watch this Nelson Walters video to discover the REAL reasons why China is forcing all its citizens into electric vehicles and why the USA wants to as well. Plus why world goverments WANT inflation to get worse Also be sure to watch "Globalists Want Transhumanism to destroy Free Will and Your Soul"
Oil Shortage HOAX and why GLOBALISTS Love Electric Cars And Inflation - Not What You Think