Religion and Politics

Traced DNA's Big Surprise with Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson - YouTube
Traced DNA's Big Surprise with Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson - YouTube
An overview of the book "Traced: Human DNA's Big Surprise" by Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson. It’s groundbreaking scientific research that rewrites everything you tho...
Traced DNA's Big Surprise with Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson - YouTube
Oil Boycott is Part of the Globalist Plan for the Great Reset - YouTube
Oil Boycott is Part of the Globalist Plan for the Great Reset - YouTube
Are the Russian sanctions including the oil boycott truly the worst thing ever done to the USA economy? It is just a couple of dollars more per gallon right? Or is is there significantly more to it? Watch this episode of Last Days Breaking News with Nelson Walters to discover how this is part of a globalist plan for the Great Reset and what you should be watching for next. Also watch "Has Gog of Magog Already Begun? Is Putin Gog of Magog?"
Oil Boycott is Part of the Globalist Plan for the Great Reset - YouTube
Grand Canyon Movie Scarred Earth - Official Site
Grand Canyon Movie Scarred Earth - Official Site
The grandest story of all time. From the southern rim of Grand Canyon to the Colorado River, discover the history & origins of this wonder of the world.
Grand Canyon Movie Scarred Earth - Official Site
Who Owns the World Blackrock and Vanguard GreenMedInfo Blog Entry
Who Owns the World Blackrock and Vanguard GreenMedInfo Blog Entry
Since the mid-1970s, two corporations -- Vanguard and Blackrock -- have gobbled up most companies in the world, effectively destroying the competitive market on which America's strength has rested
Who Owns the World Blackrock and Vanguard GreenMedInfo Blog Entry
e-Sword Free Bible Study for the PC
e-Sword Free Bible Study for the PC
e-Sword is a feature rich and user friendly free Windows app with everything needed to study the Bible in an enjoyable and enriching manner!
e-Sword Free Bible Study for the PC
Leeland Jones
Leeland Jones
Read all of the posts by leelandj4 on Don't Speak News
Leeland Jones
! How God Talks to Us - YouTube
! How God Talks to Us - YouTube
How does learning and confessing the Living Word change us? Rabbi Schneider shares that training ourselves in the Word of God, we are transformed on the inside. When we receive the Holy Spirit, we receive the ability to hear from God and to talk with God. The Holy Spirit is speaking to you through the written Word of God and the Living Word of God—Jesus. Jesus is your Living Savior. ***** FIND JESUS ***** ***** BECOME A MONTHLY PARTNER ***** ***** DONATE ***** ********************************************** Series: Mysteries in the Gospel of John Season 1 Episode 1 of 3: Eternal Word (How God Talks to Us) ***** Click here to order this series- ***** Click here to purchase Seize My Word CD: ***** Access Rabbi's Teaching Notes for this episode: ********************************************** Episode 2 of 3 Episode 3 of 3
! How God Talks to Us - YouTube
! Mormonism is the Wrong Way to God - YouTube
! Mormonism is the Wrong Way to God - YouTube
E-Books: Traditional Books: Audio CDs: For more of Dr. John Barnett's Bible teaching messages go to WFM-13 (011007AM)
! Mormonism is the Wrong Way to God - YouTube
! The Secrets of Mormonism EXPOSED! Way of the Master Season 3, Ep. 33 - YouTube
! The Secrets of Mormonism EXPOSED! Way of the Master Season 3, Ep. 33 - YouTube
Who are the Mormons? They seem to be such moral, loving, family-oriented people. How did the Mormon church get started? What do they believe? Are they Christian or are they a cult? They say they believe the Bible, but what about the Book of Mormon, the golden tablets, and Heavenly Father and his wives living on their own planet? Will we become gods ruling our own planets? Did we all pre-exist before being born on this earth? Is Jesus really Lucifer's brother...and what about being "baptized for the dead"? You will be amazed at what Mormons believe. Enjoy this full episode of the Way of the Master television show: Season 3, Episode 34: Mormonism. Check out our brand-new Season 5 of Way of the Master HERE: Way of the Master Seasons 1-4 playlist: If you enjoyed this episode, you will be pleased to know that you can own all 52 episodes of Way of the Master on one tiny thumb drive. You can play these for your family, church, youth group or just for your own pleasure at any time. And it’s really low cost— Visit to view more free Christian videos, articles, and to get tracts and other resources by Ray Comfort and the Living Waters team. Look us up on social media… FACEBOOK Living Waters: Ray Comfort: INSTAGRAM Living Waters: TWITTER Living Waters: Ray Comfort:
! The Secrets of Mormonism EXPOSED! Way of the Master Season 3, Ep. 33 - YouTube
!1 The Reliability of the Bible - YouTube
!1 The Reliability of the Bible - YouTube
Is the Bible reliable? Does it include prophecies about Jesus Christ that have come true? Has it been reliably copied over the centuries? Is the Bible inerrant? The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls help answer these questions!
!1 The Reliability of the Bible - YouTube
!2 Can we Trust the Bible (Debunking the 7 Myths that Deny Biblical Truth Series) - YouTube
!2 Can we Trust the Bible (Debunking the 7 Myths that Deny Biblical Truth Series) - YouTube
Is the Bible inerrant? Why should Christians regard the Bible as God's Word? Can the Bible be trusted? Has it been transmitted reliably over the centuries? We answer these questions and more in this video. This video is 1 of 7 in our series, "Debunking the 7 Myths that Deny Biblical Truth"). See our website for more info:
!2 Can we Trust the Bible (Debunking the 7 Myths that Deny Biblical Truth Series) - YouTube
# Which Jesus Do You Follow by Living Waters - YouTube
# Which Jesus Do You Follow by Living Waters - YouTube
Oliver says he believes in Jesus Christ, yet he isn’t a Christian. How can this be? The problem is that our friend Oliver has a different Jesus. He’s not talking about the Jesus of the Bible. It’s kind of like this: if a stranger approaches you and says they know your buddy “John,” but all their facts are wrong concerning him, you could safely conclude they are referring to a different John. With that in mind, there are many religions that claim they know and believe in Jesus, but that doesn’t mean they are referring to the same Jesus of the Bible. For example, Mormons believe Jesus was the spirit brother of Lucifer. That’s not the Jesus of the Bible. Jehovah Witnesses believe Jesus was Michael the Archangel. That’s not in the Bible! Muslims believe Jesus was just a prophet. That’s definitely not what the Bible teaches. Baha’i teaches Jesus was simply a messenger. Notice how none of these religions teach what the Bible says: that Jesus was God in human flesh. The real Jesus sparked more controversy than any other religious leader in history. He made radical claims, He spoke, not from, but with, authority, and forgave people of their sins, which was a hook that God alone could hang His hat. He healed without medicine, fed thousands from a boy’s lunch, and calmed the raging sea. His claims: He claimed to be the way, the truth, and the life, and said that no man would come to the Father but through Him. He claimed to be the bread of life, the light of the world, the good shepherd, the true vine, and the resurrection and the life, and He was ultimately crucified because He claimed to be God. He was able to conquer death by rising from the grave as He said He would. How is that? Because, He is the Christ, the Savior of the world. So, if someone comes to you talking about Jesus, but he doesn’t sound like the Jesus of the Bible…that’s probably because he isn’t. If you use any of the above text, please give attribution to: Mark Spence from Living Waters teaches on the subject of “Which Jesus Do You Follow?” This segment is taken from The Way of the Master TV show, Episode: Luxembourg. Download the entire episode here:
# Which Jesus Do You Follow by Living Waters - YouTube
You Are Gods - What Did Jesus Mean When He Said This - YouTube
You Are Gods - What Did Jesus Mean When He Said This - YouTube
What did Jesus mean when he said you are gods? Who was he talking about? He was speaking to the Pharisees, were they gods? Was it about Christians? Or did Jesus mean something completely different when he quoted Psalm 82? When Michael Fights Lucifer in Heaven (What Happens on Earth?) Who Controls the World? (The Divine Council)
You Are Gods - What Did Jesus Mean When He Said This - YouTube
1 A Thought Experiment That Demonstrates the Reliability of the New Testament - YouTube
1 A Thought Experiment That Demonstrates the Reliability of the New Testament - YouTube
For more information, read Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels ( READ: Why We Should Expect Witnesses to Disagree In this clip from a Summit Worldview Conference session, cold-case detective, J. Warner Wallace, examines the objection that there are too many variants between the ancient New Testament manuscripts to trust any document we have today. Is there a process we could use to determine their reliability? In this thought experiment, J. Warner describes a “worst case scenario” in an effort to demonstrate the reliability of the New Testament.
1 A Thought Experiment That Demonstrates the Reliability of the New Testament - YouTube
1 The Gospel for Mormons - YouTube
1 The Gospel for Mormons - YouTube
In this video, Jeff Durbin, of Apologia Church and Apologia Radio, gives the Gospel to Mormons. He explains what Mormonism teaches and compares it to Scripture. This video is a message of love for our Mormon friends and neighbors. Have you ever wondered what Mormons teach? Have you ever wanted a video to share with people to show them why Mormonism is not a Christian religion? Have you ever wanted a video to share with Mormons that gives them the Gospel? That's what we made this video. We pray that God uses it to bring Mormons to the True and Living Christ. We plead with our Mormon friends: Be reconciled to God. For more information go to
1 The Gospel for Mormons - YouTube