
Selective toxicity of tumor treating fields to melanoma an in vitro and in vivo study. - PubMed - NCBI
Selective toxicity of tumor treating fields to melanoma an in vitro and in vivo study. - PubMed - NCBI
Tumor treating fields (TTFs) are a newly developed cancer therapy technology using an alternating electric field that may be a possible candidate for overcoming the limitations of conventional treatment methods currently used in cancer treatment. Although clinical results using TTFs appear promising …
Selective toxicity of tumor treating fields to melanoma an in vitro and in vivo study. - PubMed - NCBI
BEMER Patent US8808159 - Apparatus for stimulating local and higher homeostatic autoregulatory ... - Google Patents
BEMER Patent US8808159 - Apparatus for stimulating local and higher homeostatic autoregulatory ... - Google Patents
The invention relates to an apparatus for stimulating local and higher homeostatic autoregulatory mechanisms during the sleep phase and the rest of relaxation phase of the organism by means of a pulsed electromagnetic field. Said apparatus comprises a pulse generator, a control device, and a filed generating device. The pulse generator is designed in such a way as to generate a pulsed electromagnetic field along with the control device and the filed generating device by applying 5 special series of pulses in which the frequency is the same for all signals, ranging from 8 to 15 Hz, the series of pulses are repeated multiple times, and the control time amounts to at least 3.5 h within a period of 7 to 9 hours.
BEMER Patent US8808159 - Apparatus for stimulating local and higher homeostatic autoregulatory ... - Google Patents
Case Report A Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patient Treated with GcMAF, S (...)
Case Report A Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patient Treated with GcMAF, S (...)
This case report suggests a new concept of cancer treatment using local destruction of cancer tissue, in this case conducted with SDT and TTF therapy, to be used in combination with serum GcMAF and colostrum MAF immunotherapy as a systemic treatment.
Case Report A Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patient Treated with GcMAF, S (...)
Finely tuned electrical fields give wound healing a jolt When exposed (...)
Finely tuned electrical fields give wound healing a jolt When exposed (...)
A new research report opens up the possibility that small electrical currents might activate certain immune cells to jumpstart or speed wound healing. This discovery may be of particular interest to those with illnesses that may cause wounds to heal slowly or not at all.
Finely tuned electrical fields give wound healing a jolt When exposed (...)
Spooky Remote v2.0
Spooky Remote v2.0
The new and improved Spooky2 Remote v2.0 Remote treatments apply healing frequencies at any distance using the recipient's DNA. This was referred to as "Spooky action at a distance" by Einstein. All testers found the new Spooky2 Remote to be significantly better than the earlier model. Advantages of the new Spooky2 Remote include: Can be used for both healing and killing presets. No fatigue during long-term use. DNA can be placed anywhere within the holder. More consistent results. Better frequency response. Protection against sharp edges. Improved indication lights. Simplified DNA insertion and removal. Silent. Spooky2 Boost needed to connect Spooky2 Remote v2.0 to generator can be ordered here: https://www.spooky2-mall.com/product/spooky2-boost-v3-1/ Note: We recommend connecting one Spooky2 Remote v2.0 to one Spooky2 Boost. Safe and Effective Healing Treatment Start your body healing journey with Spooky2 now! This is the best non-drug solution for your body healing. Also, we offer you a 30-day satisfaction guarantee, so you have nothing to lose but your diseases.
Spooky Remote v2.0
BEMER Electromagnetic Field Therapy Reduces Cancer Cell Radioresistance by Enhanced ROS Formation and Induced DNA Damage. - PubMed - NCBI
BEMER Electromagnetic Field Therapy Reduces Cancer Cell Radioresistance by Enhanced ROS Formation and Induced DNA Damage. - PubMed - NCBI
Each year more than 450,000 Germans are expected to be diagnosed with cancer subsequently receiving standard multimodal therapies including surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. On top, molecular-targeted agents are increasingly administered. Owing to intrinsic and acquired resistance to these the …
BEMER Electromagnetic Field Therapy Reduces Cancer Cell Radioresistance by Enhanced ROS Formation and Induced DNA Damage. - PubMed - NCBI
Spooky2 Home
Spooky2 Home
The world's most advanced Rife system that everyone can easily afford.
Spooky2 Home
Spooky2 Setup Guide
Spooky2 Setup Guide
Spooky2 is the world's most advanced and versatile Rife machine system that is affordable for every home.
Spooky2 Setup Guide
Spooky2 Biofeedback Explained - YouTube
Spooky2 Biofeedback Explained - YouTube
Spooky2 has 3 modes of Biofeedback Scans: • Personal Scan. • Optimise Scan. • Grade Program. Each mode works in a different way to find the precise frequencies your body needs. Personal Scans perform a frequency sweep over a user-defined range. The frequencies that provoke the strongest biological responses are reported. Optimise Scans increase the accuracy of programs by finding the exact frequencies to apply instead of nice rounded integers. Grade Program Scans are my favourite. They allow you to remove ineffective frequencies that do nothing, and they do not take long. The accuracy can be further increased by setting a Samples Per Step value of 6 or more, since the scan times are so short. Spooky2 is the only Rife system to provide such a power set of biofeedback options. How biofeedback works: When the body encounters stress, it alters its own electrical fields through the autonomic nervous system. The results are changes in skin conductivity and heart rate. If I deliberately lie to someone, it creates stress in my body, and the results of this are easily picked up by a polygraph. There’s nothing the subject can do to prevent this since the autonomic nervous system is not under conscious control. And it doesn’t matter how slight or how minute the amount of stress is – the body reacts just the same. So if you input an ultrasound sweep into a subject’s body, and one or more of its frequencies produces a sympathetic resonance from, say, a pathogen or a parasite, the subject will always have a low-level stress reaction. This is picked up immediately and recorded by Spooky Pulse’s heart rate monitor. When the sweep is done, Spooky Pulse will then go through its list of “hits” and, depending on your settings, may sweep carefully around them to find the exact frequencies which produce these tiny stress reactions. The final result will be a list of frequencies which can be saved as a program and used to deal with the problem effectively. Because now you have the right frequencies. You’ve found the truth – without taking out a second mortgage. Full support can be found on www.spooky2.com Spooky equipment can be purchased at http://www.spooky2-mall.com Support can be found at http://www.spooky2support.com/ Join us on the Spooky2 Forum at : http://www.spooky2.com/forumGate/index.html Subscribe now to receive updates and stay informed with exciting developments as they happen!
Spooky2 Biofeedback Explained - YouTube
Spooky2 Software October 2016 version of Spooky - YouTube
Spooky2 Software October 2016 version of Spooky - YouTube
Many improvements have been made in this version of Spooky. These include: • Presets can be chained together to form a Chained Preset. • Added options for Auto Start. • Added Run Time to the Schedule pane. • 8,177 entry Molecular Weight database for drugs and compounds. This must be enabled from the Global Settings tab. • Option to use a frequency correction factor for remote treatments. • Switching between generator controls without the need to close the previous Control pane. • Added a Status Log button in the Generator Output pane. • Improved: Min value detection of HRV in biofeedback. • Fixed: Double displays of Custom database entries. • Added simple text filter for the Frequencies field when creating a custom frequency. • New: Added menu command “Remove Unused Generators from Registry”. • Improved: consolidated menu driver install option. • New: option to convert frequencies for remote use, allowing for the faster speed of signals through a vacuum (space). • New: added status bar messages. • New: Generators dedicated to SC shown in bold. • Improved: channels flash red / black font if in error. • Improved: Open stopped channels shown in dark red. • Improved: Leaving generator Control tab closes the active window. Dark Control button indicates previously open channel. • New: Font reduction removed. • New: Molecular Database. • Improved: Program searches require [Enter] after text string entry. • Improved: Biofeedback peak and trough detection of both BPM & HRV. • New: Biofeedback Sample Counts Per Steps. Average of x samples is used for calculating each frequency step data. • New: M instruction added to database indicating Molecular Weight entry. • Removed: Fudge factor for converting speed of light through vacuum to speed of EMF through tissue. • New: Presets for optimum settings running the MW programs. • New: Independent controls for Frequency Limits. • New: Option to allow Harmonic Wobbles to bypass the Frequency Limits. • Changed: Wobbles now calculated after the Frequency Limits are applied. • Fixed: Locked fields for Out 1 Frequency Limits in some Presets. • Fixed: "Rife" & "HC" database selections were transposed. • Improved: Biofeedback scan. • Quick Scan added to check the effectiveness of loaded frequencies. • Scan results now shown in descending order with their respective biofeedback values. • Scanning can now function with all frequencies, including Molecular Weight sets. • Added Check/Uncheck All buttons in Scan Results screen. • Improved: Preset navigation and saving. Preset Collections can be nested to many levels. • New: Added Global Settings "Auto Close Control Panel" option when the Generator Control Tab loses focus. • New: User can edit the "MW to Hz Factor" and "Disintegration Factor" from within the Global Settings Tab. Enjoy the new found power of Spooky, and take control! Full support can be found on www.spooky2.com Spooky equipment can be purchased at http://www.spooky2-mall.com Support can be found at http://www.spooky2support.com/ Join us on the Spooky2 Forum at : http://www.spooky2.com/forumGate/index.html Subscribe now to receive updates and stay informed with exciting developments as they happen!
Spooky2 Software October 2016 version of Spooky - YouTube
Cymatics--the science of visible sound--has just taken a giant leap
Cymatics--the science of visible sound--has just taken a giant leap
The CymaScope is a new type of analog scientific instrument that makes sound visible, allowing scientists to see sound’s vibrations. Within the instrument the surface of pure water offers a kind of super-sensitive membrane and by imprinting sounds onto the liquid surface, unique patterns of sound energy are created for every unique sound.
Cymatics--the science of visible sound--has just taken a giant leap
Electron Medicine with Surgical Precision
Electron Medicine with Surgical Precision
With electric surgery we electronically chip away at diseased organs or body parts with pure energy, with electrons, with voltage and of course with higher pH and oxygen at the same time.
Electron Medicine with Surgical Precision
[SAMA] Episode 37 Introducing GeneratorX - Spooky2 Videos
[SAMA] Episode 37 Introducing GeneratorX - Spooky2 Videos
Spooky2 Ask Me Anything http://www.spooky2videos.com/categories/sama/ Title: Introducing GeneratorX Date: Friday, January 26, 2018 Time: 9:30 AM Nanjing, China (GMT+8.00) SAMA Expert: John White We are very happy and proud to announce exciting news. After two years hard work in research and development, we are presenting our new Spooky GeneratorX, which will be released on February […]
[SAMA] Episode 37 Introducing GeneratorX - Spooky2 Videos
New Microcurrent Medicine of Future with special message from Dr. Kond (...)
New Microcurrent Medicine of Future with special message from Dr. Kond (...)
Microcurrent the Medicine of the Future. More and more doctors are discovering the benefits of this remarkable therapy. Last year the New York Times Magazine devoted a feature article on the miracles of Microcurrent! I never travel without my microcurrent machine and it was key to my completing the 500 mile Camino di Santiago! You will learn the following Why microcurrent has the potential to replace the pharmaceutical industry The mechanisms of why microcurrent can treat many diseases. The number one use for microcurent. No it is not treating the eye. Why I was so popular on the 500 mile Camino di Santiago! Major researchers are now patenting microcurrent signals for commercialization! Learn what signals are felt to change the future of medicine! What is the best way to learn more about microcurent and get started on your own treatments Special discounts on owe net micrcurrent training And much more! All attendees will receive a copy of my best selling book, Microcurrent Stimulation: Miracle Eye Cure! Join now and make this important treatment part of your life! Sincerely Edward C. Kondrot, MD, MD(H)
New Microcurrent Medicine of Future with special message from Dr. Kond (...)
Spooky2 Blog - Essential First Step for Spooky2 Users
Spooky2 Blog - Essential First Step for Spooky2 Users
It is important to run the Terrain Detox Protocols before anything else when you first get your Spooky2 kit. These can be found in Appendix A of the User’s Guide.
Spooky2 Blog - Essential First Step for Spooky2 Users