
The Best Natural & Non Toxic Sweeteners - YouTube
The Best Natural & Non Toxic Sweeteners - YouTube
Click here to subscribe - What are The Best Natural & Non Toxic Sweeteners? Some of the best natural sweeteners to use instead of sugar, aspartame (Nutrasweet), sucralose (Splenda), etc are listed below, but be careful not to overdo these either. Remember that too much natural sugar can also be detrimental. 1. Eat real fruit when it is in season 2. Honey - make sure it is naturally sourced and organic. Many brands of honey are laced with corn syrup. 3. Maple - pure organic 4. Organic Dates 5. Stevia 6. Monk Fruit 7. Sugar Alcohol (xylitol derived from birch) If you want a more in depth look on the topic of natural sweeteners, toxic sweeteners, and alternatives, check out this video: To connect with Dr. Osborne visit: On the web: Facebook: Pinterest: Instagram: Twitter: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is strictly intended for educational purposes only. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Osborne is not a medical doctor. He does not treat or diagnose disease. He offers nutritional support to people seeking an alternative from traditional medicine. Dr. Osborne is licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.
The Best Natural & Non Toxic Sweeteners - YouTube
Can trehalose prevent neurodegeneration Insights from experimental stu (...)
Can trehalose prevent neurodegeneration Insights from experimental stu (...)
Inappropriate protein aggregation is a key mechanism in the pathogenesis of several neurodegenerative disorders. One of the main strategies by which cells deal with abnormal protein aggregates is autophagy, a degradation pathway for intracellular aggregate-prone proteins. Trehalose, a non-reducing d …
Can trehalose prevent neurodegeneration Insights from experimental stu (...)
The cryoprotectant trehalose could inhibit ERS-induced apoptosis by ac (...)
The cryoprotectant trehalose could inhibit ERS-induced apoptosis by ac (...)
Valvular diseases are common health problems that are strongly related to high morbidity and mortality; aortic valve allograft transplantation may be a promising way to improve survival and relieve symptoms. However, ideal tissue viability has not been observed with common valve cryopreservation met …
The cryoprotectant trehalose could inhibit ERS-induced apoptosis by ac (...)
The effect of trehalose on intracellular and extracellular nucleotide metabolism. A pilot study Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids Vol 0, No 0
The effect of trehalose on intracellular and extracellular nucleotide metabolism. A pilot study Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids Vol 0, No 0
(2020). The effect of trehalose on intracellular and extracellular nucleotide metabolism. A pilot study. Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids: Vol. 39, No. 10-12, pp. 1400-1409.
The effect of trehalose on intracellular and extracellular nucleotide metabolism. A pilot study Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids Vol 0, No 0
The Healing of Oxidative Injuries with Trehalose in UVB-Irradiated Rabbit Corneas. - PubMed - NCBI
The Healing of Oxidative Injuries with Trehalose in UVB-Irradiated Rabbit Corneas. - PubMed - NCBI
Our previous research revealed that trehalose, a nonreducing disaccharide of glucose and an important stress responsive factor, proved to have anti-inflammatory, antiapoptotic, and particularly antioxidant properties in UVB-irradiated corneas. Trehalose reduced oxidative stress in corneas induced by …
The Healing of Oxidative Injuries with Trehalose in UVB-Irradiated Rabbit Corneas. - PubMed - NCBI
Co-lyophilized Aspirin with Trehalose Causes Less Injury to Human Gast (...)
Co-lyophilized Aspirin with Trehalose Causes Less Injury to Human Gast (...)
Background Aspirin is one of the most popular NSAIDs worldwide because of its anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant effects, and however, gastrointestinal injury remains a major complication. We previously reported co-lyophilized aspirin/trehalose (Lyo A/T) decreased the aspirin-induced gastric lesions in dogs. Aim This study investigated the mechanism of gastroprotective effects of trehalose in vitro and in vivo. Methods The apoptotic assays were performed in a human gastric carcinoma cell line, which was treated with aspirin, mixed aspirin/trehalose (Mix A/T) or Lyo A/T. Gastric ulcer severity was examined after oral administration of drugs in rats. In addition, the mucosal tissue apoptotic status in drug-treated rats was evaluated. Molecular dynamics simulations and laser Raman spectroscopy were performed in order to examine the molecular properties of Lyo A/T. Results DNA fragmentation was detected in AGS cells that were treated with aspirin and Mix A/T, but not in the Lyo A/T-treated cells. There were fewer apoptotic cells in the Lyo A/T-treated cells than in the other cells. Gastric injury was reduced in rats that received oral Lyo A/T compared with the others, while PGE2 synthesis was equally decreased in all groups. TUNEL assay and immunohistochemistry of cleaved caspase-3 in the mucosal tissues also revealed that Lyo A/T treatment induced less apoptosis than the others. The Lyo A/T spectrum showed clear differences in several Raman bands compared with that of Mix A/T. Conclusions Our data showed that co-lyophilization of aspirin with trehalose reduced gastric injury, potentially through suppression of aspirin-induced mucosal cell apoptosis while retaining its anti-inflammatory effects.
Co-lyophilized Aspirin with Trehalose Causes Less Injury to Human Gast (...)
The Radioprotective Effects of Curcumin and Trehalose Against Genetic (...)
The Radioprotective Effects of Curcumin and Trehalose Against Genetic (...)
Background: Thyroid cancer has been growing rapidly during the last decades. Radioiodine-131 (I-131) as an appropriate therapy modality is currently using in the treatment of cancer and hyperthyroidism diseases. This radiotracer is considered as a cause of oxidative DNA damage in nontarget cells and tissues. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of curcumin and trehalose on the level of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) caused by I-131 in human lymphocytes. Materials and Methods: First, 6-mL blood samples were taken from each of the five volunteers. After 1 h of preincubation with the antioxidants, a total of 20 μCi I-131/2 mL (blood + NaCl) was added to each sample, and then, the samples were reincubated for 1 h. Lymphocytes were separated and the mean DSB levels were measured for each sample through γ-H2AX assay to evaluate the effects of antioxidants. Results: After 1-h incubation with I-131, the DSBs increased by 102.9% compared to the control group (0.343 vs. 0.169 DSB/cell; P = 0.00). Furthermore, compared to the control + I-131 group, curcumin and trehalose reduced the DSBs by 42% and 38%, respectively. There was a significant decrement (P = 0.00) in the levels of DSBs of the curcumin + I-131 and trehalose + I-131 subgroups compared to the control + I-131 subgroup. Furthermore, there was no significant relationship between the radioprotective effect of curcumin and trehalose (P = 0.95). Conclusion: The use of curcumin and trehalose as antioxidant can reduce the numbers of DSBs caused by I-131. Meanwhile, the radioprotective effect of curcumin was more than trehalose.
The Radioprotective Effects of Curcumin and Trehalose Against Genetic (...)
The role of disaccharidases in the digestion - diagnosis and significance of their deficiency in children and adults - PubMed
The role of disaccharidases in the digestion - diagnosis and significance of their deficiency in children and adults - PubMed
Disaccharidases are a group of enzymes of the small intestinal brush border, that are essential for degradation of disaccharides (sucrose, lactose, maltose, isomaltose, trehalose) into monosaccharides, which are then absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Their deficiency may occur at any stage o …
The role of disaccharidases in the digestion - diagnosis and significance of their deficiency in children and adults - PubMed
Coarse Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Membrane–Trehalose In (...)
Coarse Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Membrane–Trehalose In (...)
It is well established that trehalose (TRH) affects the physical properties of lipid bilayers and stabilizes biological membranes. We present molecular dynamics (MD) computer simulations to investigate the interactions between lipid membranes formed by 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC) and TRH. Both atomistic and coarse-grained (CG) interaction models were employed, and the coarse graining of DMPC leads to a reduction in the acyl chain length corresponding to a 1,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine lipid (DLPC). Several modifications of the Martini interaction model, used for CG simulations, were implemented, resulting in different potentials of mean force (PMFs) for DMPC bilayer–TRH interactions. These PMFs were subsequently used in a simple two-site analytical model for the description of sugar binding at the membrane interface. In contrast to that in atomistic MD simulations, the binding in the CG model was not in agreement with the two-site model. Our interpretation is that the interaction balance, involving water, TRH, and lipids, in the CG systems needs further tuning of the force-field parameters. The area per lipid is only weakly affected by TRH concentration, whereas the compressibility modulus related to the fluctuations of the membrane increases with an increase in TRH content. In agreement with experimental findings, the bending modulus is not affected by the inclusion of TRH. The important aspects of lipid bilayer interactions with biomolecules are membrane curvature generation and sensing. In the present investigation, membrane curvature is generated by artificial buckling of the bilayer in one dimension. It turns out that TRH prefers the regions with the highest curvature, which enables the most favorable situation for lipid–sugar interactions.
Coarse Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Membrane–Trehalose In (...)
The stability and bioavailability of lentztrehaloses A, B, and C as re (...)
The stability and bioavailability of lentztrehaloses A, B, and C as re (...)
Trehalose is widely used as a sweetener, humectant, and stabilizer, but is ubiquitously degraded by the enzyme trehalase expressed in a broad variety of organisms. The stability of the new trehalose analogues lentztrehaloses A, B, and C in microbial and mammalian cell cultures and their pharmacokinetics in mice were analyzed to evaluate their potential as successors of trehalose. Among the 12 species of microbes and 2 cancer cell lines tested, 7 digested trehalose, whereas no definitive digestion of the lentztrehaloses was observed in any of them. When orally administered to mice (0.5 g/kg), trehalose was not clearly detected in blood and urine and only slightly detected in feces. However, lentztrehaloses were detected in blood at >1 μg/mL over several hours and were eventually excreted in feces and urine. These results indicate that lentztrehaloses may potentially replace trehalose as nonperishable materials and drug candidates with better bioavailabilities.
The stability and bioavailability of lentztrehaloses A, B, and C as re (...)
Therapeutic effects of trehalose liposomes against lymphoblastic leuke (...)
Therapeutic effects of trehalose liposomes against lymphoblastic leuke (...)
Inhibitory effects of trehalose liposomes (DMTre) composed of 30mol% l-α-dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and 70mol% trehalose surfactants on the growth of lymphoblastic leukemia (MOLT-4) cells in vitro and therapeutic effects of DMTre for xenograft mice model of carcinoma in vivo were examined …
Therapeutic effects of trehalose liposomes against lymphoblastic leuke (...)
Comparison of the effect of a hyaluronate-trehalose solution to hyaluronate alone on Ocular Surface Disease Index in patients with moderate to seve... - PubMed - NCBI
Comparison of the effect of a hyaluronate-trehalose solution to hyaluronate alone on Ocular Surface Disease Index in patients with moderate to seve... - PubMed - NCBI
This data supports the addition of trehalose to HA-containing eyedrop solutions to provide better symptomatic relief from moderate to severe DED, based on an OSDI score of
Comparison of the effect of a hyaluronate-trehalose solution to hyaluronate alone on Ocular Surface Disease Index in patients with moderate to seve... - PubMed - NCBI
Therapeutic effects of trehalose liposomes against lymphoblastic leukemia leading to apoptosis in vitro and in vivo. - PubMed - NCBI
Therapeutic effects of trehalose liposomes against lymphoblastic leukemia leading to apoptosis in vitro and in vivo. - PubMed - NCBI
Inhibitory effects of trehalose liposomes (DMTre) composed of 30mol% l-α-dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and 70mol% trehalose surfactants on the growth of lymphoblastic leukemia (MOLT-4) cells in vitro and therapeutic effects of DMTre for xenograft mice model of carcinoma in vivo were examined …
Therapeutic effects of trehalose liposomes against lymphoblastic leukemia leading to apoptosis in vitro and in vivo. - PubMed - NCBI
Continuous intake of Trehalose induces white adipose tissue Browning and Enhances energy metabolism Nutrition & Metabolism Full Text
Continuous intake of Trehalose induces white adipose tissue Browning and Enhances energy metabolism Nutrition & Metabolism Full Text
Background Trehalose is well known as a functional disaccharide with anti-metabolic activities such as suppression of adipocyte hypertrophy in mice and alleviation of impaired glucose tolerance in humans. Recently, a new type of adipocyte beige cells, involved in so-called white adipocyte tissue (WAT) browning, has received much attention as a target for adaptive thermogenesis. To clarify the relationship between adipocyte hypertrophy suppression and beige cells involved in thermogenesis, we examined the effect of trehalose on the changes in beige adipocytes in mice under normal dietary conditions. Methods Mice fed a normal diet were administered water containing 0.3% (W/V) trehalose for 16 weeks, 0.3% (W/V) maltose, or water without saccharide (controls). Body temperature and non-fasting blood glucose levels were measured every 3 weeks. After 16 weeks of these treatments, mesenteric and inguinal adipose tissues were collected for measuring adipocyte size, counting the number of UCP1 positive cells by image analysis, and preparing mRNA to analyze beige adipocyte-related gene expression. Results Mice administered a continuous intake of trehalose exhibited a thermogenic ability as represented by an increase in rectal temperature, which was maintained at a relatively high level from 3 to 9 weeks and was significantly higher at 15 weeks in comparison with that of the maltose group. In addition to the reduced hypertrophy of mesenteric and inguinal adipose tissues, the trehalose group showed a significant increase in the rates of beige adipocytes in each WAT in comparison with those of the maltose and the water groups. Interestingly, a negative correlation was found between the mean cell sizes of adipocytes and the rates of beige adipocytes in the WAT. Furthermore, real-time PCR showed that the expression of Cidea and Ucp1 mRNAs, which are markers for beige adipocytes in the inguinal adipose tissue, increased in the trehalose group. Conclusions Continuous administration of trehalose to mice fed a normal diet induced WAT browning accompanied by suppression of white adipocyte hypertrophy, elevated body temperature and decreased blood glucose levels, which resulted in enhancement of energy metabolism. Therefore, we propose trehalose as a new type of thermogenic dietary component to prevent obesity by promoting WAT browning.
Continuous intake of Trehalose induces white adipose tissue Browning and Enhances energy metabolism Nutrition & Metabolism Full Text
Treatment with Trehalose Prevents Behavioral and Neurochemical Deficit (...)
Treatment with Trehalose Prevents Behavioral and Neurochemical Deficit (...)
The accumulation of misfolded α-synuclein in dopamine (DA) neurons is believed to be of major importance in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD). Animal models of PD, based on viral-vector-mediated over-expression of α-synuclein, have been developed and show evidence of dopaminergic toxicity …
Treatment with Trehalose Prevents Behavioral and Neurochemical Deficit (...)
Daily consumption of one teaspoon of trehalose can help maintain glucose homeostasis a double-blind, randomized controlled trial conducted in healthy volunteers
Daily consumption of one teaspoon of trehalose can help maintain glucose homeostasis a double-blind, randomized controlled trial conducted in healthy volunteers
Background Trehalose is a natural disaccharide that is widely distributed. A previous study has shown that daily consumption of 10 g of trehalose improves glucose tolerance in individuals with signs of metabolic syndrome. In the present study, we determined whether a lower dose (3.3 g/day) of trehalose improves glucose tolerance in healthy Japanese volunteers. Methods This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of healthy Japanese participants (n = 50). Each consumed 3.3 g of trehalose (n = 25) or sucrose (n = 25) daily for 78 days. Their body compositions were assessed following 0, 4, 8, and 12 weeks; and serum biochemical parameters were assayed and oral 75-g glucose tolerance tests were performed at baseline and after 12 weeks. Results There were similar changes in body composition and serum biochemistry consistent with established seasonal variations in both groups, but there were no differences in any of these parameters between the two groups. However, whereas after 12 weeks of sucrose consumption, the plasma glucose concentration 2 h after a 75-g glucose load was significantly higher than the fasting concentration, after 12 weeks of trehalose consumption the fasting and 2-h plasma glucose concentrations were similar. Furthermore, an analysis of the participants with relatively high postprandial blood glucose showed that the plasma glucose concentration 2 h after a 75-g glucose load was significantly lower in the trehalose group than in the sucrose group. Conclusions Our findings suggest that trehalose helps lower postprandial blood glucose in healthy humans with higher postprandial glucose levels within the normal range, and may therefore contribute to the prevention of pathologies that are predisposed to by postprandial hyperglycemia,, even if the daily intake of trehalose is only 3.3 g, an amount that is easily incorporated into a meal. Trial registration UMIN, UMIN000033536 . Registered 27 July 2018.
Daily consumption of one teaspoon of trehalose can help maintain glucose homeostasis a double-blind, randomized controlled trial conducted in healthy volunteers
Treatment with Trehalose Prevents Behavioral and Neurochemical Deficits Produced in an AAV a-Synuclein Rat Model of Parkinson's Disease. - PubMed - NCBI
Treatment with Trehalose Prevents Behavioral and Neurochemical Deficits Produced in an AAV a-Synuclein Rat Model of Parkinson's Disease. - PubMed - NCBI
The accumulation of misfolded α-synuclein in dopamine (DA) neurons is believed to be of major importance in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD). Animal models of PD, based on viral-vector-mediated over-expression of α-synuclein, have been developed and show evidence of dopaminergic toxicity …
Treatment with Trehalose Prevents Behavioral and Neurochemical Deficits Produced in an AAV a-Synuclein Rat Model of Parkinson's Disease. - PubMed - NCBI
Trehalose decreases mutant SOD1 expression and alleviates motor defici (...)
Trehalose decreases mutant SOD1 expression and alleviates motor defici (...)
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder for which there is currently no effective treatment. Studies indicate that enhancing autophagy in mouse models of neurodegenerative disease can ameliorate the behavioral symptoms and pathological damage associated with the acc …
Trehalose decreases mutant SOD1 expression and alleviates motor defici (...)
Deciphering the role of trehalose in hindering antithrombin polymerization. - PubMed - NCBI
Deciphering the role of trehalose in hindering antithrombin polymerization. - PubMed - NCBI
Serine protease inhibitors (serpins) family have a complex mechanism of inhibition that requires a large scale conformational change. Antithrombin (AT), a member of serpin superfamily serves as a key regulator of the blood coagulation cascade, deficiency of which leads to thrombosis. In recent years …
Deciphering the role of trehalose in hindering antithrombin polymerization. - PubMed - NCBI
Trehalose - Scientific Review on Usage, Dosage, Side Effects Examine. (...)
Trehalose - Scientific Review on Usage, Dosage, Side Effects Examine. (...)
Trehalose is a sugar which, on a cellular level, appears to have therapeutic mechanisms by regulating protein unfolding. Practically, its low oral absorption in its intact form paired with rapid digestion may preclude any benefits of oral intake.
Trehalose - Scientific Review on Usage, Dosage, Side Effects Examine. (...)
Differential ERK activation during autophagy induced by europium hydro (...)
Differential ERK activation during autophagy induced by europium hydro (...)
Accelerating the clearance of intracellular protein aggregates through elevation of autophagy represents a viable approach for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. In our earlier report, we have demonstrated the enhanced degradation of mutant huntingtin protein aggregates through autophagy p …
Differential ERK activation during autophagy induced by europium hydro (...)
Trehalose a review of properties, history of use and human tolerance, (...)
Trehalose a review of properties, history of use and human tolerance, (...)
This paper contains a review of the history, natural occurrence, human consumption, metabolism, manufacture, and the results of eight standardized animal safety studies using trehalose. Trehalose (alpha,alpha-trehalose) is a naturally occurring sugar containing two D-glucose units in an alpha,alpha- …
Trehalose a review of properties, history of use and human tolerance, (...)