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Growing a Human: The First 30 Weeks
Growing a Human: The First 30 Weeks
Anthropologist Donna Haraway was one the first to argue this in her 1991 book Simians, Cyborgs, and Women . In it, she critiques our moden approach to seeing the world in clear dualities: human/animal, machine/organic, male/female, and natural/cultural. She instead advocates for a more holistic, hybridised, and interconnected view of the world – one she calls “ natureculture ” – that recognizes that nothing is ever purely one or the other. People, creatures, objects, and ideas are always hybrids of these categories. Cultural, social, and technological forces transform what we might otherwise label as “natural,” while natural systems shape and influence our cultural, social, and technological realms. These false divisions have been socially and historically constructed, and do not exist a priori in the world. “Nature” is a concept we invented to draw a line between ourselves and the earth – a tool for asserting human uniqueness and separation that became an obsession during the scientific revolution of the 17th and 18th centuries ( Latour 1991 ).
Growing a Human: The First 30 Weeks
C++ Is An Absolute Blast
C++ Is An Absolute Blast

I think programmers have lost the story of why they got into programming in the first place. I know I didn't learn to code just so I can make a bunch of billionaires more billions. I didn't get into programming so that I can fight an immutable rendering engine into finally showing a cornflower blue button. I definitely didn't get into programming just to make a few authoritarians at the top of a random open source project happy.

I got into programming because it was fun. I remember staying up late until 4am desperately trying to get my shitty gwBASIC code to render a character to an MS-DOS console. I remember working on weird GUI ideas and network servers for weeks on end just because I had an idea. I remember fighting one bug for a month only to find out it was a stupid spelling mistake. I remember that all of this--even the frustration--was a hell of a lot of fun. Easily more entertaining than anything else I've learned.

C++ Is An Absolute Blast
Personal blogs sourced from Hacker News.