I think programmers have lost the story of why they got into programming in the first place. I know I didn't learn to code just so I can make a bunch of billionaires more billions. I didn't get into programming so that I can fight an immutable rendering engine into finally showing a cornflower blue button. I definitely didn't get into programming just to make a few authoritarians at the top of a random open source project happy.
I got into programming because it was fun. I remember staying up late until 4am desperately trying to get my shitty gwBASIC code to render a character to an MS-DOS console. I remember working on weird GUI ideas and network servers for weeks on end just because I had an idea. I remember fighting one bug for a month only to find out it was a stupid spelling mistake. I remember that all of this--even the frustration--was a hell of a lot of fun. Easily more entertaining than anything else I've learned.