

macOS Monterey: The MacStories Review
macOS Monterey: The MacStories Review
Shortcuts Perhaps I let my hopes and expectations get away from me. I’ve wanted Shortcuts on the Mac since it was called Workflow and long before it was acquired by Apple. Then, when Shortcuts for Mac was finally announced this year at WWDC, Apple’s message was even stronger than I’d expected. “Shortcuts is the future
macOS Monterey: The MacStories Review
Building cross-platform shortcuts
Building cross-platform shortcuts
As seen on my Mac: Two cross-platform shortcuts. Shortcuts has arrived on the Mac with macOS Monterey, and while the new Shortcuts app is pretty weird, it works–and it brings most of the func…
Building cross-platform shortcuts
RoutineHub is a community to find, share and version-control your Siri Shortcuts.
r/shortcuts: This subreddit is devoted to Shortcuts. Shortcuts is an Apple app for automation on iOS and macOS.
Sharing all my shortcuts
Sharing all my shortcuts
Like this story, this image was uploaded to Six Colors using a shortcut. This week Apple (hopefully temporarily?) broke the sharing of Shortcuts. I rely on Shortcuts when I’m working on my iP…
Sharing all my shortcuts
Shortcuts - The Untitled Site by Christopher Lawley
Shortcuts - The Untitled Site by Christopher Lawley
I wanted to put together a list of shortcuts I’ve made that I think others might find helpful. I’m going to continue to update this list as I make
Shortcuts - The Untitled Site by Christopher Lawley
Shortcuts Catalog – Matthew Cassinelli
Shortcuts Catalog – Matthew Cassinelli
Learn all about Siri Shortcuts and Apple's Shortcuts app from an expert – browse my shortcuts, learn about actions, and find supported apps.
Shortcuts Catalog – Matthew Cassinelli
Shortcuts Archive
Shortcuts Archive
Welcome to the MacStories Shortcuts Archive, the official repository for shortcuts created by Federico Viticci and the MacStories team. Since the original release of Workflow in 2014, we’ve created hundreds of automations to help readers use their iOS devices more efficiently. The goal of this archive is to offer a complete catalogue of our old
Shortcuts Archive