Build your component library - shadcn/ui
patterns - The NPM for Design Engineers
Navbar Gallery – Navigation Design Inspiration
Stack Sorted.
Human Interface Guidelines | Apple Developer Documentation
Material Design 3 - Google's latest open source design system
UI Sources | Mobile Design Patterns and Interactions
Adapty Paywall Library
App Motion - Mobile motion design gallery
illustrations universe
Mobbin — UI & UX design inspiration for mobile & web apps
Chamjo | The ultimate UX inspiration hub for local apps and competitors - free mobile apps design library
9713+ Paywall examples, designs & UX for mobile apps
App Design Inspiration | UI Sources
Mobile spells · Design Spells
All Websites on Siteinspire
The best SaaS Web Design Inspiration | Saaspo
Footer — The only footer gallery on earth.
UI Components
Say goodbye to building Tailwind sites from scratch | Landingfolio
CallToInspiration – Small details for very exacting ideas!
Dark Mode Design 🌘 Handpicked website inspiration
Collect UI - Daily inspiration collected from daily ui archive and beyond. Based on Dribbble shots, hand picked, updating daily.
Land-book - website design inspiration gallery