

Confessions of a Viral AI Writer
Confessions of a Viral AI Writer
Despite my success with AI-generated stories, I'm not sure they are good for writers—or writing itself.
Confessions of a Viral AI Writer
How AI Affects Our Sense of Self
How AI Affects Our Sense of Self
The increasing frequency of interactions we have with AI and automated technologies means it is vital to understand how those things make people feel about themselves. Why? Because how people feel about themselves affects a wide range of success factors, including sales, customer loyalty, word-of-mouth referrals, employee satisfaction, and employee performance. The authors have been studying people’s reactions to automated technology for more than seven years. In this article they focus on psychological responses to AI and automated technologies that they’ve observed in service and business-process design, product design, and communication, and offer practical guidance to help leaders and managers figure out how best to use these new technologies to serve customers, support employees, and advance the interests of their organization.
How AI Affects Our Sense of Self
What’s in a domain name?
What’s in a domain name?
From .ai to .vc, inside the weird and lucrative marketplace of website addresses.
What’s in a domain name?
The Gift of Being Human
The Gift of Being Human
In a world of productivity we rebel with creativity
The Gift of Being Human
Design tool memory usage
Design tool memory usage
How do various design tools utilise memory? What’s their baseline usage with no documents open? How does memory grow with lots of large documents open?
Design tool memory usage
Will AI Degrade Online Communities?
Will AI Degrade Online Communities?
Kalie M. Mayberry is a social impact researcher and educator at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University.
Will AI Degrade Online Communities?
Problem Framing Canvas
Problem Framing Canvas
A handbook to help you imagine better responses to ‘problems’
Problem Framing Canvas
Who’s Afraid of the DSA?
Who’s Afraid of the DSA?
Many of the details of how the EU's Digital Services Act will be enforced are still being worked out, writes Gabby Miller.
Who’s Afraid of the DSA?
Beware the Emergence of Shadow AI
Beware the Emergence of Shadow AI
Shadow AI is potentially a lot more pernicious and pervasive than Shadow IT, says Abhishek Gupta.
Beware the Emergence of Shadow AI
Climate Justice and Labor Rights | Part II: Labor Organizing and Environmental Justice in Tech, Past and Present
Climate Justice and Labor Rights | Part II: Labor Organizing and Environmental Justice in Tech, Past and Present
Tamara Kneese, Data & Society Research Institute Download full report here. In the second half of this report, I examine organizing campaigns and coalitions—in historical and contemporary contexts both inside and outside of the tech industry—that seek to connect labor rights to environmental justice goals. This section goes beyond automation and deskilling concerns connected to […]
Climate Justice and Labor Rights | Part II: Labor Organizing and Environmental Justice in Tech, Past and Present
Climate Justice and Labor Rights | Part I: AI Supply Chains and Workflows
Climate Justice and Labor Rights | Part I: AI Supply Chains and Workflows
Tamara Kneese, Data & Society Research Institute Download full report here. Introduction In the second half of 2023, generative AI is dominating headlines. Policymakers, technologists, and activists are all grappling with its potential implications for communities and the planet. Integrating LLMs (large language models) into search engines may multiply the carbon emissions associated with each […]
Climate Justice and Labor Rights | Part I: AI Supply Chains and Workflows