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I was wrong about Google and Facebook: there’s nothing wrong with them (so say we all)
I was wrong about Google and Facebook: there’s nothing wrong with them (so say we all)
It’s always difficult admitting you’re wrong. But sometimes, it’s exactly what you have to do in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. So, today, I admit that I was wrong about Google, Facebook, and surveillance capitalism in general being toxic for our human rights and democracy. You see, it simply cannot be true given how they are endorsed by some of the most well-respected groups and organisations in the world.
I was wrong about Google and Facebook: there’s nothing wrong with them (so say we all)
The House Always Wins: The Algorithmic Gamblification of Work
The House Always Wins: The Algorithmic Gamblification of Work
Recent technological developments are transforming the basic terms of worker compensation. Rather than receive a salary or predictable hourly wage, workers in the on-demand economy are often paid…
The House Always Wins: The Algorithmic Gamblification of Work
Why we need new stories on climate | Rebecca Solnit
Why we need new stories on climate | Rebecca Solnit
The long read: So much is happening, both wonderful and terrible – and it matters how we tell it. We can’t erase the bad news, but to ignore the good is the route to indifference or despair
Why we need new stories on climate | Rebecca Solnit
OpenAI's attempts to watermark AI text hit limits
OpenAI's attempts to watermark AI text hit limits
OpenAI is working on a way to watermark text, according to a guest researcher working at the lab. But it's limited in key ways.
OpenAI's attempts to watermark AI text hit limits
Artist Uses ChatGPT AI to Create Text-Based Adventure Game -- Then Feeds That Text Into Midjourney AI to Create Images for Game
Artist Uses ChatGPT AI to Create Text-Based Adventure Game -- Then Feeds That Text Into Midjourney AI to Create Images for Game
Game industry artist Martin Nebelong recently started experimenting with ChatGPT, and discovered he was able to quickly create an entire "choose your adventure"-style adventure game through the AI text generator. Taking that a step further, he then took the ChatGPT...
Artist Uses ChatGPT AI to Create Text-Based Adventure Game -- Then Feeds That Text Into Midjourney AI to Create Images for Game
Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System
Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System
By Donella Meadows~ Folks who do systems analysis have a great belief in “leverage points.” These are places within a complex system (a corporation, an economy, a living body, a city, an ecosystem) where a small shift in one thing can produce big changes in everything. This idea is not unique to systems analysis — […]
Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System
How to write an image description
How to write an image description
I wrote this how-to guide with the immensely helpful counsel and insights from Bex Leon and Robin Fanning, as well as through an online…
How to write an image description
Can Mastodon Survive Europe’s Digital Services Act?
Can Mastodon Survive Europe’s Digital Services Act?
Konstantinos Komaitis & Louis-Victor de Franssu say Mastodon’s decentralization raises questions about how regulatory regimes will apply.
Can Mastodon Survive Europe’s Digital Services Act?
Galactica is an open source language model for scientific progress
Galactica is an open source language model for scientific progress
The Galactica large language model (LLM) is being trained with millions of pieces of academic content. It is designed to help the research community better manage the "explosion of information."
Galactica is an open source language model for scientific progress
How to befriend a crow
How to befriend a crow
I watched a bunch of crows on TikTok and now I'm trying to connect with some local birds.
How to befriend a crow
Responsible AI has a burnout problem
Responsible AI has a burnout problem
Companies say they want ethical AI. But those working in the field say that ambition comes at their expense.
Responsible AI has a burnout problem