Lukas Guschlbauer — Portfolio
Haley Turnbull: Art Director & Poster Artist
Gustav Nordebrink
Ray Dak Lam | Graphic Design & Illustration
Mads Berg Illustration
Handsome Frank • Home to the world's greatest illustrators
Alexandra Francis
Emmanuel Quartey
Yuri Movshovich - Multidisciplinary Design Studio
Zach Roszczewski
Bonnie Kate Wolf
Helena Zhang
S/JUSTO | Branding | Deixe Sua Marca
I’m Alexandra, a French freelance translator, editor and quality controller based in Paris.
Hardal Studio
Portfolio - Craig Black
stina wahlén
James Baduor - A human, founder, product designer and webflow developer.
Aristide Benoist — Independent developer
The design and branding studio of British designer, Kyle Wilkinson.
Kosta Cemerikic – experience design
Jakub Reis — Digital Product Designer
Moe Amaya — Designer
Valerio Labaro — Rebrand Specialist
Bennovela — digital product designer frontend developer.
Arno Di Nunzio — Freelance Creative Developer
Richard Ekwonye
Portfolio - Areola Daniel
Jesse Zhou - Business, Technology and Design