This Ultrasound Bra Could Detect Cancer Sooner (2023)
How to take back control of your data in a connected IoT world (2022)
IoT Smart City - Connecting the People, Places, and Thing
How to Create a Smart City with IoT and Big Data (2017)
New Scientist: Cyborg grasshoppers have been engineered to sniff out explosives (2020)
Move over, sniffer dogs: now there's bomb-sensing grasshoppers. Barani Raman and colleagues at Washington University in St. Louis in Missouri have tapped into the olfactory senses of the American grasshopper, Schistocerca amer…
Rise of the machines: who is the ‘internet of things’ good for? (2017)
The Internet of Things enables a floating city of pleasure... and a vision of hell (2019)
A Race to Develop Pollution Sensing Tech Plays Out in Oakland (2017)
The case for ... cities where you're the sensor, not the thing being sensed (2020)