The Internet of Things (IoT): What You Need to Know and Do Now (2018)

Digital Future
The Industrial Internet of Things market: state and outlook 2021
\What the world can learn from Japan’s robots (2020)
8 Examples of Robots Being Used in the Hospitality Industry (2020-2024)
IBM: The world’s first Watson-enabled hotel concierge robot (2016)
Meet Connie, Hilton's smart robot concierge (2016)
"Smart Factory Enabling Electronics Engineers to Prototype Two Times Faster" (2020)
BBC - Can technology bring lawyers into the 21st Century? (2020)
Why Cheap Cameras and Boring Sensors Make the Best Smart-Home Stuff (2020)
MIT Technology Review - The Coming Wave of Bionic Hearing Gadgets (2020)
Home Automation Comes of Age (2020)
Home Automation Tech is a $60 Billion Global Industry (2020)
The automated home is a mess (2020)
VentureBeat - Mojo Vision is putting an augmented reality screen on a contact lens (2020)
Wired - The Display of the Future Might Be in Your Contact Lens (2020)
A glance to the left. A flick to the right. As my eyes flitted around the room, I moved through a virtual interface only visible to me—scrolling through a calendar, commute times home, and even controlling music playback. via …
Robogamis are the real heirs of terminators and transformers (2020)
The Superpowers of Super-Thin Materials (2020)
How to Trick Machine Learning (2019)
How Two Robots Learned to Grill and Serve the Perfect Hot Dog (2019)
Are you a robot? (2019)
How to Differentiate Between AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning (2019)
Human-machine interactions: Bots are more successful if they impersonate humans (2019)
Automation and its enemies (2019)
Wired - What Google's Fitbit Buy Means for the Future of Wearables (2019)
Wired: These Researchers Are Trying to Build a Better Blockchain (2019)
04 - 11 - 2019 | Gregory Barber | Wired
BBC - Museum of the Future: The building designed by an algorithm (2019)
Black Hawk helicopters have a flight plan to go autonomous (2019)
On “solving” Montezuma’s Revenge (2019)
The Guardian view on machine learning: a computer cleverer than you? (2019)
Startup aims to make home devices smart enough to anticipate what you need (2015)