The Guardian: Robot panic peaked in 2015 – so where will AI go next? (2015)Impact of Robotics on Society#IDW_SOC_ROB#The Guardian··Feb 2, 2020The Guardian: Robot panic peaked in 2015 – so where will AI go next? (2015)
The Guardian: Would you bet against sex robots? AI 'could leave half of world unemployed' (2016)Impact of Robotics on Society#IDW_SOC_ROB#The Guardian··Feb 2, 2020The Guardian: Would you bet against sex robots? AI 'could leave half of world unemployed' (2016)
The Guardian: Is BB-8 a woman: why are we so determined to assign gender to AI? (2016)Impact of Robotics on Society#Gender Equality#IDW_SOC_ROB#The Guardian··Feb 2, 2020The Guardian: Is BB-8 a woman: why are we so determined to assign gender to AI? (2016)
Automation may mean a post-work society but we shouldn't be afraid (2020)Impact of Robotics on Society#IDW_FUT_AUT#Paul Mason#The Guardian··Feb 2, 2020Automation may mean a post-work society but we shouldn't be afraid (2020)
The Guardian: Our tech future: the rich own the robots while the poor have 'job mortgages' (2016)Impact of Robotics on Society#IDW_SOC_ROB#The Guardian··Feb 2, 2020The Guardian: Our tech future: the rich own the robots while the poor have 'job mortgages' (2016)
Overtourism in Europe's historic cities sparks backlash (2020)Impact of Technology on Cities#The Guardian··Jan 25, 2020Overtourism in Europe's historic cities sparks backlash (2020)
The case for ... cities where you're the sensor, not the thing being sensed (2020)Impact of Technology on Cities#the guardian#IDW_FUT_IOT··Jan 17, 2020The case for ... cities where you're the sensor, not the thing being sensed (2020)
The case for ... making low-tech 'dumb' cities instead of 'smart' onesImpact of Technology on Cities#The Guardian··Jan 15, 2020The case for ... making low-tech 'dumb' cities instead of 'smart' ones
The case for ... designing cities around the needs of childrenImpact of Technology on Cities#the guardian··Jan 14, 2020The case for ... designing cities around the needs of children
Mushrooms and orange peel: could biotech clean up the building industry? (2020)Impact of Technology on Cities#The Guardian#IDW_SOC_ENV··Jan 12, 2020Mushrooms and orange peel: could biotech clean up the building industry? (2020)
The Guardian: Rise of #MeTooBots: scientists develop AI to detect harassment in emails (2020)Impact of Robotics on Society#The Guardian#IDW_SOC_ROB#IDW_FUT_DAS··Jan 3, 2020The Guardian: Rise of #MeTooBots: scientists develop AI to detect harassment in emails (2020)
'This is the farming of the future': the rise of hydroponic food labs (2019)Impact of Technology on Environment#the guardian··Dec 27, 2019'This is the farming of the future': the rise of hydroponic food labs (2019)
How UK's disused mine shafts could be used to store renewable energy (2019)Impact of Technology on Environment#The Guardian··Nov 8, 2019How UK's disused mine shafts could be used to store renewable energy (2019)
Green streets: which city has the most trees? (2019)Impact of Technology on Cities#The Guardian··Nov 5, 2019Green streets: which city has the most trees? (2019)