'PDF to Brainrot' Is Certainly One Way to Study (2024)

Impact of Technology on Education
TechCrunch: Virtual Reality Therapy: Treating The Global Mental Health Crisis (2016)
Survey by The Health Management Academy Reveals Accelerating Use of AI to Overcome Workforce Challenges (2023)
Back to school: Lessons for effective remote and hybrid learning (2020)
How schools can make smarter technology purchasing decisions (2020)
'Voices Of A Learning World' Aims To Be New Medium for the Global Redesign of Learning
How iPads might actually help kids learn to read (2019)
Autistic scholar Temple Grandin: ‘The education system is screening out visual thinkers’ (2022)
AI makes plagiarism harder to detect, argue academics – in paper written by chatbot (2023)
Why Skills Training Can’t Replace Higher Education (2019)
How ChatGPT Can Improve Education, Not Threaten it
The Power of Process In Deeper Learning: A Case Study in Scaffolding (2023)
AI cheating is overwhelming the education system but teachers shouldnt despair (2024)
The future of education or just hype? The rise of Minerva, the world's most selective university (2020)
ChatGPT in education: breakthrough or disruptive innovation? (2024)
What higher education students want from online learning (2023)
Yes, AI could profoundly disrupt education. But maybe that’s not a bad thing (2023)
Measuring actual learning versus feeling of learning in response to being actively engaged in the classroom
Artificial intelligence in education: How will it impact K-12 teachers (2020)
Samsung Unleashes Educational Innovation: A Connected Campus for Future-Ready Learning (2023)
PLATO: How an educational computer system from the ’60s shaped the future (2023)
The Danger of Delegating Education to Journalists (2020)
Wolters Kluwer Launches Innovative Tool to Bridge Nursing Education and Clinical Practice
Let's Put (Zero) Trust In Our Educational Future
New global data reveal education technology’s impact on learning (2020)
What You Need for Digital Transformation in Higher Education
Deconstructing Learning, Reconstructing Education (2020)
A groundbreaking study shows kids learn better on paper not screens. Now what? (2024)
AI in Education: Leading a Paradigm Shift (2024)
Over a weekend in 1995 a small group gathered in Ohio to unleash the power of the internet by making it navigable (2024)