Mayo Clinics Healthy Model for AI Success (2024)

Impact of Technology on Healthcare
Amazon is a giant purveyor of medical quackery (2016)
Human Diagnostics (2021)
Opinion: Health leaders are facing a digital transformation (2023)
The health benefits and business potential of digital therapeutics (2023)
Around the world, the burden of chronic disease is increasing at a rapid pace. Unfortunately, most of these conditions are irreversible and need to be managed through lifelong medication use. [via Pocket] Around the world, the burden of chronic disease is increasing at a rapid pace. Unfortunately, most of these conditions are irreversible and need to be managed through lifelong medication use. via Pocket
The Guardian: Virtual reality headsets could put children’s health at risk (2017)
Newly Launched GPT Store Warily Has ChatGPT-Powered Mental Health AI Chatbots That Range From Mindfully Serious To Disconcertingly Wacko (2024)
The criticality of purpose-built healthtech (2024)
How Mayo, UNC Health + more are ensuring generative AI is safe (2023)
Start-Ups Are Helping Consumers Make Better Health Care Purchases (2015)
How to Ensure Your Health Care Innovation Doesn’t Flop (2019)
AI cannot be used to deny health care coverage feds clarify to insurers (2024)
Soft material could offer 'wear it and forget it' health monitoring (2023)
3 Health Tech Trends to Watch in 2024
Digital Health - 6 Transforming Effects of Digital Technology on the Healthcare (2023)
AI model aids early detection of autism (2024)
Study identifies new findings on implant positioning and stability during robotic-assisted knee revision surgery (2024)
Temperature-sensitive prosthetic limb improves amputee dexterity and feelings of human connection (2024)
A new implant for blind people jacks directly into the brain
Cognitive strategies for augmenting the body with a wearable robotic arm (2023)
Brain stimulation could help doctors learn to use surgery robots (2024)
This Ultrasound Bra Could Detect Cancer Sooner (2023)
New AI tool brings precision pathology for cancer and beyond into quicker sharper focus (2024)
This Sticker Looks Inside the Body (2022)
'Electronic nose' could smell breath to warn about higher risk of oesophageal cancer (2020)
Surgeons successfully treat brain aneurysms using a robot (2020)
‘Lost decade in digital health’ a big part of chronic illness backlogs that mounted during Covid (2022)
How is mental health changing in a digital world? (2022)
Surgeons use robot to operate inside eye in world first (2016)
'Smart sutures' monitor deep wounds to prevent problems (2022)