How Home Automation Can Support WFH (2021)
What Happens if ‘Absorbing by Observation’ Disappears? (2021)
What if the hybrid office isn’t real? (2021)
Ars Technica - Big tech companies want to help get you back in the office (2020)
What is an office for now?
Idwell: Some different lessons from working from home (2020)
01 - 04 - 2020 | Paul Leenards | Idwell
MCKinsey: Automation and the workforce of the future |(2018)
23 - 05 - 2018 } | McKInsey Global Institute
Microsoft launches initiative to help 25 million people worldwide acquire the digital skills needed in a COVID-19 economy (2020)
The myth of the college dropout (2020)
In Praise of the Office (2020)
Digital Transformation: How Technology is enhancing employees' experience (2020)
The Future Of Work Is About Humans
The future of work: A government blueprint (2020)
Science-Backed Advice on How to Stop Sitting All Day (2020)