StacksStacks provides everything you need to quickly design, build, and ship coherent experiences across all of Stack Overflow—from the brand and product itself, down to how we send emails and write copy.#品牌规范#设计系统#品牌书 品牌手册 Brandbook#Styleguide#品牌书··Jul 26, 2024Stacks
Decathlon Design SystemDecathlon Design System is the framework that helps our ecosystem to design and develop consistent and quality experiences. Sport for the many! 迪卡侬#品牌规范#设计系统#品牌书 品牌手册 Brandbook#品牌书··Jul 26, 2024Decathlon Design System
Audi Brand Appearance奥迪#品牌规范#规范#品牌书 品牌手册 Brandbook#Styleguide#品牌书··Jul 26, 2024Audi Brand Appearance
Starbucks Creative ExpressionOur new expression. It all starts here. Use this guide as a high-level overview of how the Starbucks brand comes to life.#品牌规范#规范#品牌书 品牌手册 Brandbook#Styleguide#品牌书··Jul 26, 2024Starbucks Creative Expression