
Norgram® is a design studio based in Denmark—working internationally to design iconic brands and digital experiences with focus on what’s essential.
Original Design Fashion Week深圳原创设计时装周 - 3LBrand
Original Design Fashion Week深圳原创设计时装周 - 3LBrand
  • 深圳原创设计时装周ODF旨在引领时装潮流的未来发展趋势,以原创设计为核心,为全球独立时装设计师打造最具商业价值的国际时装周品牌。 深圳原创设计时装周ODF的视觉形象系统创造了一个独特的视觉体验,时尚、灵动、梦幻、创新、多变的动态图形强调原创设计与时装原材料
Original Design Fashion Week深圳原创设计时装周 - 3LBrand
untitled macao on Behance
untitled macao on Behance
info@untitledmacao.com -untitled macao, founded by a young Macao designer, Au Chon Hin, is a design studio which specialises in graphic design for event images, brand identities, publications, websites, and apps.It aims to refine inappropriate designs and boost their potential, tailoring extraordinary design for clients with unparalleled service experience.With seamless communications, precise marketing analysis and high efficiency, the studio presents fine design projects which incorporate practicality, innovation, and aesthetic.Untitled Macao has caught the attention of the local and regional communities for receiving international awards and recognition in numerous competitions. Au Chon Hin ’s works got printed in many renowned design publications and was frequently been invited to participate in design exhibition. He has received several international and Asian awards including the Tokyo TDC Annual Awards TDC PRIZE, German Design Award, iF design Award, Mexican International Poster Biennial, Including...
untitled macao on Behance
靳刘高设计 | KL&K Design
靳刘高设计 | KL&K Design
「靳与刘设计」是一所由国际著名设计师靳埭强及刘小康创办的专业设计公司。 「靳与刘设计」创立于1976年,三十多年的积累,我们服务超过200多个客户。为不同行业的客户提供企业形象、品牌包装、推广宣传、导示系统及环境设计等专业服务。在香港及海外设计比赛中获得超过600个奖状,知名度蜚声国际。1995年,靳埭强是首位华人名列世界平面设计师名人录,其杰出的设计成就与贡献于2010年获香港特区颁予银紫荆星章勋衔。刘小康亦是国际知名的设计大师,现为香港设计中心董事局副主席及北京歌华创意中心总监。于2006年,刘氏亦获颁授铜紫荆星章,肯定其在国际舞台上为提升香港设计形象所付出的努力。高少康给评为香港设计界第四代的中坚份子,在英国完成设计硕士课程后回国在公司担当要职,于2010年获升为合伙人,现在主力开发国内的业务。「靳与刘设计」以量身订制及专业创新的理念为客户创作切合市场策略及体现企业精神的设计。优秀的形象是企业的财富,突出的设计能为品牌创造价值。我们丰富的设计经验帮助许多的品牌影响著现代中国的生活,亦希望能通过创意与您携手创建下一个传奇。
靳刘高设计 | KL&K Design
Y.STUDIO - www.yuziji.studio
Y.STUDIO - www.yuziji.studio
Y.STUDIO(余子骥设计事务所)是一家综合性“品牌创意商店”。我们提供完整而科学的品牌服务,其中包括品牌咨询,策略研究,品牌定位,出版物,创意产品,艺术创作等相关服务。为品牌建立竞争优势与创造力,我们用年轻灵活的思维为客户提供创想的体验,用可生长的设计方法去实现品牌价值最大化,探索更多的可能性! ...
Y.STUDIO - www.yuziji.studio
The Inspiration Grid
The Inspiration Grid
Inspiration Grid is a daily-updated gallery celebrating creative talent from around the world. Get your daily fix of design, art, illustration, typography, photography, architecture, fashion and more.
The Inspiration Grid