
SaaS Shots 📸 (@saasshots)
SaaS Shots 📸 (@saasshots)
✦ 💯 A hand-picked design patterns from real SaaS products ✧ 🖥️ Focused on web screens only ✦ ⭐ Discover new products & UI patterns Curated by @usrnk1
SaaS Shots 📸 (@saasshots)
UI Notes - 真实产品 UI 设计灵感库
UI Notes - 真实产品 UI 设计灵感库
UI Notes 收集了大量线上优秀 App 的完整 UI 截图,只有落地设计没有飞机稿,你可以在这里探索 UI 设计的最新趋势、浏览竞品的产品设计、快速找到工作中需要的灵感。
UI Notes - 真实产品 UI 设计灵感库
Codrops is a web design and development blog that publishes articles and tutorials about the latest web trends, techniques and new possibilities.
Collect UI
Collect UI
Daily inspiration collected from daily ui archive and beyond. Based on Dribbble shots, hand picked, updating daily.
Collect UI
HUDS and GUIS is an inspiration resource site featuring Future User Interfaces, Graphic User Interfaces, Heads Up Displays and UX/UI Design from areas such as film and games.
Designer News
Designer News
Designer News is a community where design and technology professionals share interesting links and timely events.
Designer News