Ernährung & Gesundheit
Exercise capacity of vegan, lacto-ovo-vegetarian and omnivorous recreational runners
Soybean isoflavone exposure does not have feminizing effects on men: a critical examination of the clinical evidence. - PubMed - NCBI
Soy Part 2—Research
Nahrungsergaenzungsmittel fuer kinder 129289
Vegane Ernährung als Lebensstil: Es besteht Risikokommunikationsbedarf - BfR
Vegane ernaehrung als lebensstil motive und praktizierung
The Science of Soy: What Do We Really Know?
Hygienesymposium: Landwirte deutlich höher belastet
Vegan diets: practical advice for athletes and exercisers
Vitamin-D-Status in Deutschland
Debunking the paleo diet | Christina Warinner | TEDxOU
Nährstoffreport Vegan: Jod
Nährstoffreport Vegan: Vitamin B12
Nährstoffreport Vegan: Vitamin D
A Vegan Dietitian Reviews “What the Health”
Vegan Nutrition for Mothers and Children: Practical Tools for Healthcare Providers
Are strict vegetarians protected against prostate cancer?
Beef Jerky and Other Processed Meats Associated with Manic Episodes
Cured meat intake is associated with worsening asthma symptoms
Greenpeace fact sheet fleisch tests juni2017
Vegetarian diets
Vegetarian diet
Mortality from different causes associated with meat, heme iron, nitrates, and nitrites in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study: population based cohort study
Senkt Rindfleisch Cholesterin? Studien-Tricks entlarvt Sammlung
Augsburger Allgemeine: Nitrit im Fleisch - Wurst-Konsum soll Asthma verschlimmern