2022 - To Read

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The Eternal Mainframe
The Eternal Mainframe
The urge to replace the mainframe has reinvented the mainframe and its problems.
The Eternal Mainframe
A Nuclear Warning Designed to Last 10,000 Years
A Nuclear Warning Designed to Last 10,000 Years
Consider a wanderer 10,000 years in the future discovering a strange construction of granite thorns in the New Mexico desert, their points weathered by centuries, their shadows stretching at sinister angles.
A Nuclear Warning Designed to Last 10,000 Years
Rasmus Andersson on Twitter
Rasmus Andersson on Twitter
If you are unhappy or disappointed with the state of macOS, what were your favorite features of Mac OS of the past? What would you hope to see in a new OS of tomorrow, niched at computer professionals?— Rasmus Andersson (@rsms) March 10, 2022
Rasmus Andersson on Twitter
Streaming Services
Streaming Services
Streaming Services is a new blog on the music Industry
Streaming Services
Plug-in Capitalism
Plug-in Capitalism
The tools we use are inherently political, not least the ones we use to produce music. Michael Terren addresses financialization and rentierism in the world of digital audio workstation (DAW) plug-ins. What emerges is a trend towards digital instruments as services, and, in response, the necessity of seizing the means of music production.
Plug-in Capitalism
Music structure determines heart rate variability of singers
Music structure determines heart rate variability of singers
Choir singing is known to promote wellbeing. One reason for this may be that singing demands a slower than normal respiration, which may in turn affect heart activity. Coupling of heart rate variability (HRV) to respiration is called Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA). This coupling has a subjective as well as a biologically soothing effect, and it is beneficial for cardiovascular function. RSA is seen to be more marked during slow-paced breathing and at lower respiration rates (0.1 Hz and below). In this study, we investigate how singing, which is a form of guided breathing, affects HRV and RSA. The study comprises a group of healthy 18 year olds of mixed gender. The subjects are asked to; (1) hum a single tone and breathe whenever they need to; (2) sing a hymn with free, unguided breathing; and (3) sing a slow mantra and breathe solely between phrases. Heart rate (HR) is measured continuously during the study. The study design makes it possible to compare above three levels of song structure. In a separate case study, we examine five individuals performing singing tasks (1–3). We collect data with more advanced equipment, simultaneously recording HR, respiration, skin conductance and finger temperature. We show how song structure, respiration and HR are connected. Unison singing of regular song structures makes the hearts of the singers accelerate and decelerate simultaneously. Implications concerning the effect on wellbeing and health are discussed as well as the questi...
Music structure determines heart rate variability of singers
Hackathons and Libraries
Hackathons and Libraries
Libraries foster a thriving campus culture and function as “third space,” not directly tied to a discipline.[i] Libraries support both formal and informal learning, have multipurpose spaces, and serve as a connection point for their communities. For these reasons, they are an ideal location for events, such as hackathons, that align with library priorities of outreach, data and information literacy, and engagement focused on social good. Hackathon planners could find likely partners in either academic or public libraries as their physical spaces accommodate public outreach events and many are already providing similar services, such as makerspaces. Libraries can act solely as a host for events or they can embed in the planning process by building community partnerships, developing themes for the event, or harnessing the expertise already present in the library staff. This article, focusing on years from 2014 to 2020, will highlight the history and evolution of hackathons in libraries as outreach events and as a focus for using library materials, data, workflows, and content. [i] James K. Elmborg, “Libraries as the Spaces Between Us: Recognizing and Valuing the Third Space,” Reference and User Services Quarterly 50, no. 4 (2011): 338–50.
Hackathons and Libraries
Unconventional academic writing
Unconventional academic writing
Discover about 130 papers showing attempts at whimsy, humour, or conveying various human emotions that we hardly encounter in scientific literature (e.g., surprise, irony, anger, despise). These amusing papers were published in virtually all fields of science. As Kohn (1982) put it: Humour is the interdisciplinary denominator of science. This paper is dedicated to Professor James Hartley in honour of his 75th birthday.
Unconventional academic writing
Matt Mochary on Twitter
Matt Mochary on Twitter
The entire basis of my coaching: Fear and Anger give bad advice. https://t.co/mGqY8Iddtkhttps://t.co/peeVm9Dqoz— Matt Mochary (@mattmochary) May 21, 2021
Matt Mochary on Twitter
Prathyush on Twitter
Prathyush on Twitter
Among papers read last year this one by Anna Sfard was a thoroughly formative one on shaping my view of mathematics: its objects and processes. A brilliant example of how a promenade exists as a duality between processes/structure is given here: https://t.co/qQVX2dsxyw— Prathyush (@prathyvsh) January 3, 2022
Prathyush on Twitter
Prathyush on Twitter
Prathyush on Twitter
Design ∩ Code Systems: Curating a thread on a topic I’m really interested in. Tools that blur the line between designing and engineering. Hope you find something inspiring here: https://t.co/GwWFW3GCGN pic.twitter.com/H0XxVlfHKu— Prathyush (@prathyvsh) November 12, 2020
Prathyush on Twitter
Gordon Brander on Twitter
Gordon Brander on Twitter
Novelty: Something new. Creation: Something new and valuable. Invention: Something new, having potential value through utility. Innovation: Something new and uniquely useful.https://t.co/ARoVXDGuaA— Gordon Brander (@gordonbrander) December 30, 2021
Gordon Brander on Twitter
Gordon Brander on Twitter
Gordon Brander on Twitter
Marked up and bookmarked. Very useful. Sometimes confuses innovation and novelty, but it doesn’t much matter because you have a better chance of innovating when you know how to generate novelty. https://t.co/bGYw7thUiT pic.twitter.com/1RiFx6KFkc— Gordon Brander (@gordonbrander) December 30, 2021
Gordon Brander on Twitter
@jayrope Message sent 😃
@jayrope Message sent 😃
Attached: 1 image @jayrope@mastodon.online Message sent 😃
@jayrope Message sent 😃
not sure if I should dedicate half the day organising my browser bookmarks or just delete everything when midnight strikes the list of bookmarks is long enough to be a book by itself lol
not sure if I should dedicate half the day organising my browser bookmarks or just delete everything when midnight strikes the list of bookmarks is long enough to be a book by itself lol
not sure if I should dedicate half the day organising my browser bookmarks or just delete everything when midnight strikes the list of bookmarks is long enough to be a book by itself lol
not sure if I should dedicate half the day organising my browser bookmarks or just delete everything when midnight strikes the list of bookmarks is long enough to be a book by itself lol
Resonate – the ethical music streaming co-op
Resonate – the ethical music streaming co-op
Resonate is a streaming music service cooperative owned by the people that use it – musicians, indie labels, fans + developers. Stream it until you own it.
Resonate – the ethical music streaming co-op