

The Bluest Eye
The Bluest Eye
The Bluest Eye is Toni Morrison's first novel, a book heralded for its richness of language and boldness of vision. Set in the author's g...
The Bluest Eye
Persian Poetry in English on Twitter
Persian Poetry in English on Twitter
Thread: The Orientalizing of Moulana Rumi Many of you may be familiar with the 'Rumi quotes' that circulate the internet. What if I told you the vast majority of them are fake and they are part of a project to secularize Rumi? This isn't a whatsapp conspiracy. https://t.co/qQFQBq9RTl
Persian Poetry in English on Twitter
Forever Hold Your Peace
Forever Hold Your Peace
pirate wires #47 // anti-vaxx hysteria, redefining truth, a year of speech policing in review, and the steady path to censorship
Forever Hold Your Peace
Your Lifestyle Has Already Been Designed
Your Lifestyle Has Already Been Designed
Well I'm in the working world again. I've found myself a well-paying gig in the engineering industry, and life finally feels like it's returning to normal after my nine months of traveling. Because I had been living quite a different lifestyle while I was away, this sudden transition to 9-to-5 existence has exposed something about it that I overlooked before.
Your Lifestyle Has Already Been Designed