

Matthew Walker's "Why We Sleep" Is Riddled with Scientific and Factual …
Matthew Walker's "Why We Sleep" Is Riddled with Scientific and Factual …
See discussion of this essay on the forum, Hacker News (a), Marginal Revolution (a), Andrew Gelman’s blog 1 (a), 2 (a), 3 (a), 4 (a), /r/slatestarcodex (a), Twitter (a), listen to BBC interviewing me and Walker himself about it or listen to my interview with Smart People Podcast discussing it. Note: I link to a bunch of paywalled studies in this essay. Please do not use sci-hub to access them for free and do not use this trick (a) to easily redirect papers to sci-hub. For the clearest …
Matthew Walker's "Why We Sleep" Is Riddled with Scientific and Factual …
You Can’t Derive Ought from Is – Sean Carroll
You Can’t Derive Ought from Is – Sean Carroll
(Cross-posted at NPR’s 13.7: Cosmos and Culture.) Remember when, inspired by Sam Harris’s TED talk, we debated whether you could derive “ought” (morality) from “is&#82…
You Can’t Derive Ought from Is – Sean Carroll
Q&A: BioNTech vaccine is only ‘mRNA 1.0’. This is just the beginning,
Q&A: BioNTech vaccine is only ‘mRNA 1.0’. This is just the beginning,
The successful development of mRNA vaccines for Covid-19 is ‘transformational’ and opens the doors to new types of vaccines for other infectious diseases as well as cancer, according to Dr Özlem Türeci and Dr Uğur Şahin, the co-founders of Germany’s BioNTech.
Q&A: BioNTech vaccine is only ‘mRNA 1.0’. This is just the beginning,
The Measured Man - The Atlantic
The Measured Man - The Atlantic
Larry Smarr, an astrophysicist turned computer scientist, has a new project: charting his every bodily function in minute detail. What he’s discovering may be the future of health care.
The Measured Man - The Atlantic