When Islamic Double Discourse Meets Western Liberal Double Standards - Areo
It is not uncommon to perceive that which is alien to us through an exotic lens. It is easy to idealize that which we have no direct access to, but…View Post
The US is not Ready for a Peer to Peer Fight in Europe | Small Wars Journal
As we all have, I have been watching the impressive Russian ground forces arrayed to invade Ukraine from three sides. Some comments after consultation with a good friend in the Marines: Upon due consideration, it might have been unthoughtfully wise to not place our military in harm’s way simply because it would have its clock handed to it. Our military, particularly the Army, is tailored for the 20-year war in the Sandboxes-not a Peer conflict.
Trump's Truth Social Can Only Make Mastodon Stronger
The Trump-backed Twitter lookalike looks near to launch, and for better or worse, this will draw more attention than ever to my favorite social network.
Audible Royalties Ain’t Royalties - by Colleen Cross Audiblegate, authors and narrators fight against Audible
What do rights holders earn per Audible listener credit? Short answer: Much less than you think. Audiblegate, authors and narrators fight against Audiblehttps://static.wixstatic.com/media/41aed0_1021d44797c3460facdb3accc1c63689~mv2.png/v1/fit/w_1000%2Ch_850%2Cal_c/file.pngAudible Royalties Ain’t Royalties - by Colleen Cross
Not music nerds, obviously. I don’t know anything about music. I know there are letters but sometimes the letters have squiggles; I know an octave doubles in pitch; I know you can
Who is this?
Princess Leia, right? End of Rogue One. Wrong, this is not Princess Leia. This is.
A photograph of Carrie Fisher in her role of Princess Leia. Chances are, your brain can tell the difference between the two photos. The first is a computer generated image ("CGI") and the se