I waited in darkness for death. The interrogators were done with me. You aren’t valuable enough to keep alive, they said. I didn’t have the intelligence they wanted on al Qaeda’s chain of command. …
The grandmaster diet: How to lose weight while barely moving
You wouldn't think that chess players, who sit for hours on end and extend their arms only from time to time, would struggle with weight loss. But they do. Inside the very real, very bizarre metabolic phenomenon gripping chess.
The Man in the Arena – Teddy Roosevelt (A Powerful Speech from History)
Read by Shane Morris-On April 23, 1910, a year after leaving his presidential office, Theodore Roosevelt gave what would become one of his greatest rhetorica...
Scientists understood physics of climate change in the 1800s – thanks to a woman named Eunice Foote
The results of Foote’s simple experiments were confirmed through hundreds of tests by scientists in the US and Europe. It happened more than a century ago.
Meesho does millions of orders everyday but with our growing scale, we have also witnessed increase in cases of platform misuse by some resellers in sending unconsented orders to consumers.
🧵 thread on the problem and our steps in solving it
Penn GSE’s Amalia Dache has studied Afro Cuban life and educational opportunities under Cuba’s dictatorship. She says the world is seeing Afro Cubans’ frustration with the racist and classist society
Thread: The Orientalizing of Moulana Rumi
Many of you may be familiar with the 'Rumi quotes' that circulate the internet. What if I told you the vast majority of them are fake and they are part of a project to secularize Rumi? This isn't a whatsapp conspiracy. https://t.co/qQFQBq9RTl
Despite the hype, iPhone security no match for NSO spyware
An international investigation found 23 Apple devices that were successfully hacked. “Zero-click” attacks, as they are called within the surveillance industry, can work on even the newest generations of iPhones, even after years of effort in which Apple attempted to close the door against unauthorized surveillance.
Haruki Murakami’s Daily Routine: Up at 4:00 a.m., 5-6 Hours of Writing, Then a 10K Run
Photo via Wikimedia Commons
Haruki Murakami has been famous as a novelist since the 1980s. But for a decade or two now, he's become increasingly well known around the world as a novelist who runs.
Britney Spears’s Courtroom Plea Spurs Questions for Her Lawyer
The singer said she had not known she needed to petition the court to be released from her conservatorship, placing a focus on the court-appointed counsel who has represented her for 13 years.