Training Doppler Radar With Smart Watch IMUs Data For Activity Recognition
When it comes to interpreting sensor data automatically, it helps to have a large data set to assist in validating it, as well as training when it concerns machine learning (ML). Creating this data…
This Week in Glean: What Flips Your Bit? – Data@Mozilla
(“This Week in Glean'' is a series of blog posts that the Glean Team at Mozilla is using to try to communicate better about our work. They could be release ...
きっかけ 昨年(2021年9月ごろ)に徳丸さんのこのツイートを見て、「2022年にはJWTを用いたセッション管理に代表される、ステートレスなセッション管理は世の中に受け入れられなくなっていくのだろうか?」と思っていました。 OWASP Top 10 2021 A1に「JWT tokens should be inval…