GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2019 BEST100に選ばれた冷凍ゴミ箱「CLEAN BOX(クリーンボックス)」の予約販売サイトです。私たちが日々悩まされている生ゴミ・オムツ・ペットのトイレシートなどの匂い。これら「匂いゴミ」を凍らせることで、臭いの発生を抑え、 不快な匂いを断つことができます。
GitHub - Lissy93/dashy: 🚀 A self-hosted startpage for your server. Easy to use visual editor, status checking, widgets, themes and tons more!
🚀 A self-hosted startpage for your server. Easy to use visual editor, status checking, widgets, themes and tons more! - GitHub - Lissy93/dashy: 🚀 A self-hosted startpage for your server. Easy to us...
Today, after over 5 years of work, HTTP/3 was finally standardized as RFC 9114! with RFC 9204 (QPACK header compression) and RFC 9218 (Extensible Priorities) it ushers in an important new chapter for the Web!Proud to have been part of this!— Robin Marx (@programmingart) June 6, 2022