This Week in Glean: What Flips Your Bit? – Data@Mozilla
(“This Week in Glean'' is a series of blog posts that the Glean Team at Mozilla is using to try to communicate better about our work. They could be release ...
きっかけ 昨年(2021年9月ごろ)に徳丸さんのこのツイートを見て、「2022年にはJWTを用いたセッション管理に代表される、ステートレスなセッション管理は世の中に受け入れられなくなっていくのだろうか?」と思っていました。 OWASP Top 10 2021 A1に「JWT tokens should be inval…
One day, [mitxela] got bored and decided to build his own HDMI monitor – the unconventional way. HDMI has a few high-speed differential pairs, but it also has an I2C interface used for detect…
Go 1.18 is here, and with it, the first release of the long-awaited implementation of Generics is finally ready for production usage. Generics are a frequently requested feature that has been highly contentious throughout the Go community.
Taurus tool is an Open Source test automation framework, providing simple YAML-based configuration format with DSL, executed through command-line and scalable through cloud resource providers. It uses JMeter as default load generator and perfectly fits into Jenkins CI.