lepoco/wpfui: A simple way to make your application written in WPF keep up with modern design trends.
A simple way to make your application written in WPF keep up with modern design trends. - GitHub - lepoco/wpfui: A simple way to make your application written in WPF keep up with modern design trends.
Snapdragon Developer Kit for Windows こと ECS LIVA Mini Box QC710 Desktop を購入した - しばやん雑記
Build 2021 で夏に Microsoft Store 経由で発売と言っていた Snapdragon Developer Kit for Windows が 11 月中旬にようやく発売になりました。ずいぶん長い夏でしたね。噂通り ECS のミニ PC だった訳ですが、Windows on ARM 周りに興味がありハワイまで Surface Pro X を買いに行ったぐらいの人間なので、これも購入しました。200 ドルちょいで検証用に常時稼働させて、必要があればリモートデスクトップで入れるマシンがあるのは便利です。Windows 11 が降ってくれば、GitHub の Self hoste…
Haskell for FPGA Hardware Design: Use abstractions like monads and lenses to implement 1970's retro-computing devices like arcade machines and home computers.
Supply chains attacks are all the rage these days, whether to deliver RATs, cryptocurrencies miners, or credential stealers.
In Rust, packages are called crates and are (most of the time) hosted on a central repository: https://crates.io for better discoverability.
We are going to study 8 techniques to achieve Remote Code Execution (RCE) on developers', CI/CD, or users' machines. I voluntarily ignored perniciously backdoored algorithms such as cryptographic primitives or obfuscated code because this is a whole different topic.