kalk - A flexible calculator that supports variables and functions defined by the user
Kalk is a calculator that supports user-defined variables, functions, ambiguous syntax, derivation and integration. It runs on Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and in web browsers (with WebAssembly).
RESTler finds security and reliability bugs through automated fuzzing - Microsoft Research
Microsoft researchers open source the first stateful REST API fuzzing tool designed to make cloud services more reliable and secure. Learn how RESTler automatically tests and finds security bugs through their REST APIs.
Learn how Coyote can automatically find and reproduce deep concurrency bugs in your code, helping increase the reliability of your service.
This project proposes to definitively solve the problem of a brittle HTTPS ecosystem by constructing a more secure, high performance, standards-compliant, verified implementation of the full HTTPS ecosystem. Unlike other verified software projects, our expedition aims to deploy Everest within existing software as a drop-in replacement in mainstream web browsers, servers, and other popular tools.
Azure Cosmos DB integrated cache now in public preview | Azure upda...
Optimize read costs in Azure Cosmos DB by enabling an integrated cache, an in-memory cache that is easy to configure and requires only minimal application code changes.