Azure AD B2X is here ! (yes B2X, not B2C or B2B) – Debugging and insights
Now that we are past the click-bait title (B2X), lets dig into Azure AD External Identities which was unveiled at MSBuild20. For me its the first time I see subset of features bridged from Azure AD…
Module Monday is a video series where I look at a different PowerShell module each Monday. This Monday, I'm showing off BurntToast. BurntToast is a module for showing notifications in Windows 10. We'll look at how to send basic notifications, show progress bars, buttons and even kick off PowerShell scripts from notifications. You can learn more about BurntToast here:
The Ultimate Guide to Running Healthy Apps in the Cloud
Modern-day data centers are extremely complex and have many moving parts. VMs can restart or move, systems are upgraded, and file servers are scaled up and down. All these events are to be expected in a cloud environment. However, you can make your cloud application resilient to these events by following best practices. This document outlines 13 crucial steps that you can take to ensure that your app is cloud ready. By taking these steps, you will ensure that any events in the data center will have negligible effects on your app and that your app will be more resilient and future proof.
A New RegExp Engine in SpiderMonkey - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
Regular expressions – commonly known as RegExps – are a powerful and heavily used tool for manipulating strings in JavaScript. This post describes how we updated the RegExp engine in ...
CLOMOの本番環境をKubernetes化した話 - i3Systems Engineering blog
アイキューブドシステムズでCLOMOシステムの運用・監視をしているd-tasakiです。「CLOMOシステムを絶対に止めない!」を部署のミッションとして、システムの安定的な提供を日々心掛けております。 2019年8月末にそれまでの仮想マシンをベースとしたシステムから、コンテナーをベースとしたAzure Kubernetes Service (AKS)に乗り換えました。そのbefore/afterの話を今回は書きます。