ドリ山田金之助がCursorというAI搭載テキストエディターを使って独自のビデオ編集をやってるという話を風の噂で聞いた。 ドリ山田くーん、遅い、遅いよー とか煽るのも可哀想だったので放置していたのだが、昨日(!!)もっとゴイスーなAIソフト開発環境を触って元に戻れなくなってしまったのでご紹介しておく。 その最新の開発環境とは、人呼んでAIder(エイダー) Home aider is AI pair programming in your terminal aider.chat こいつの何がすごいかというと、gitをcloneしてくると、ソースコード読ま
We don’t talk a lot in public about the big vision for Tailscale, why we’re really here. Usually I prefer to focus on what exists right now, and what we’re going to do in the next few months. But let’s look at the biggest of big pictures for a change.
George Kurtz is an American businessman. He is the CEO of the cybersecurity company CrowdStrike, which he co-founded with Dmitri Alperovitch.
When we invented Private Browsing back in 2005, our aim was to provide users with an easy way to keep their browsing private from anyone who shared the same device.
Game publisher claims 100% crash rate with Intel CPUs – Alderon Games says company sells defective 13th and 14th gen chips
Frustrations are running at an all-time high regarding Raptor Lake stability issues. Game studio Alderon Games reports that nearly all of its Raptor Lake machines are either crashing or suffering from stability issues.