I took a 32″ eInk display and turned it into a digital newspaper that updates every day. It’s silent, wireless and can run for months without being plugged in. The display is based on the Visionect 32″ place and play display. This works by running two components. The eInk display acts as a thin client […]
One of my favorite things about crypto is that, every so often, your conception of what it is changes. Bitcoin at first was "weird internet money" and then it was "a protocol" and then it was "digital gold". Ethereum is "ICOs", or maybe "DeFi", or maybe "Web3", or maybe all three, or maybe something else.…
Inventhub an electronics design collaboration and data management platform helps maximize product quality, accelerate commercialization and boost productivity.
Quill is the best way to message with a team or group. Built for productivity and focus, Quill reduces notifications, collects conversations into threads, and gets out of your way — so you can get back to doing what you do best
Windows Updateの「開始と再起動の期限」をコントロールする新しいポリシーの使い方:企業ユーザーに贈るWindows 10への乗り換え案内(95) - @IT
Windows 10 バージョン1709以降では、Windows Updateの開始と再起動に猶予期限を設定できる新しいポリシーが利用可能になっています。この新しいポリシーをうまく利用すると、しばらく電源がオフにされていたデバイスを起動した直後に、更新プログラムのインストールや再起動が始まってしまうという、ユーザビリティを悪化させる挙動を防止するなど、より適したタイミングでデバイスを更新できます。